SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD, HELP US ============================= Lackadesical attitude to towards spiritual exercises is costly. What physical exercise is to our physical body is spiritual exercise to our spiritual health. We exercise our Spirit man to keep fit and strong, highly sensitive and receptive. The devil knows that a burning man or woman will not fall for his schemes, that is why the devil wants you to push prayer till after the day's activities when you are worked out and worn out. So that you can mumble a few words of prayer before drifting off to sleep or just scan through a chapter of the Bible hurriedly before dosing off. He keeps our mind busy, so that we don't even concentrate when we pray or study. The mind keeps travelling far and near till the hours elapse. The devil is scheming against us, wanting our prayer altars to be cold, our study life boring, everything tiring, mind loaded with worries, weird experiences. We need the Holy Spir...