THAT WHICH PUSHES YOU SHOULD COME FROM WITHIN The greatest encouragement that can spur a man on is the internal motivation, not external, for the external is not constant , availability is conditional and may not come when you need it most. So, after your spiritual eyes might have captured the unseen, what the world doesn’t know about you, you don’t need to wait for external encouragement because it may not come, for unsecured humans are always threatened by the manifestation of a man’s originality. The disciples went out to preach the gospel and they were captured in the process and detained, beaten, tortured and threatened. On their release, the first important thing that occurred to them was to praise God for the opportunity to suffer shame for the Name. Glaringly, we see that the motivation of these men were nothing external. Nothing around them encouraged them in the pursuit of their vision. But their spiritual eyes had captured something they were ready t...