YOU ARE CLOSER Patience is enduring the cross, despising shame while you look unto Jesus in anticipation of a future that you have captured/seen in the Spirit. God asked Jeremiah, "what do you see Jeremiah?". "I see the almond tree," he replied. And the Lord said, "you have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." You must be constantly plugged in for consistent revelational foresight of the glory ahead, so that you can avoid beating against the air. As you are patiently gazing, God is watching to see that His word is fulfilled. At this time, instructions from God may not profit your understanding, but obedience is key, obey the last order. At this time, you may even forgo juicy employment and let go some opportunities that look sumptuous but deadly and virusified to your destiny. In fact, your commitment to a particular course that seems not to be yielding anything substantial now is working o...