
Showing posts from November, 2018


YOU ARE CLOSER  Patience is enduring the cross, despising shame while you look unto Jesus in anticipation of a future that you have captured/seen in the Spirit. God asked Jeremiah, "what do you see Jeremiah?". "I see the almond tree," he replied. And the Lord said, "you have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled." You must be constantly plugged in for consistent revelational foresight of the glory ahead, so that you can avoid beating against the air. As you are patiently gazing, God is watching to see that His word is fulfilled. At this time, instructions from God may not profit your understanding, but obedience is key, obey the last order. At this time, you may even forgo juicy employment and let go some opportunities that look sumptuous but deadly and virusified to your destiny. In fact, your commitment to a particular course that seems not to be yielding anything substantial now is working o...


LET GO AND LET GOD If at every time you are opportuned to be under a ministration that lays bear to you your identity, peculiarity, how that you are not ordinary. Suddenly some pictures flash through your mind within a twinkle of an eye, and those pictures unveil to you your weak background, your rugged past, your inadequacies and inefficiencies. Many a times, you might have tried answering questions like, can any good thing come out of me? Each time this question comes, it makes you shrink back into the prison yard of your mind. It makes you bury your head in the palm of your hands. God related his agenda for the life of Moses to him, and the first thing Moses saw was his inadequacy, forgetting that He who had said it saw the weakness before He sent His word. He ought to have trusted Him enough to know that He has the capacity to take it away. Stop pointing to him what He (God) already knows and focus on what He instructed you to do. God spoke to Jer...


AN UNRENEWED MIND IS AS GOOD AS AN UNBELIEVING MIND The thoughts of a man inform his actions. The character you see any man display is a reflection of what goes on within him. He may think he acted in a particular manner by mistake, but he has consciously or unconsciously taken certain viruses in form of ideas and perception gotten from wrong sources. The quality of what goes in within you determine the quality of life you are subjected to live, your mind can be a barrier to your lifting. Your life will not change automatically because you are born again, there is a mindset that sets a man on the track of success in life and ministry.  If not, Romans 12:2 wouldn't have need exhort us to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. You see the mind again appearing here.  When the mind is not renewed, there seems to be no difference between a so called Christian and an unbeliever. No wonder people give there lives to Christ and still continue in sin....


EMBRACE LIGHT AND VALUE MODESTY Brethren, know ye not that you have been washed from your sins? When you were in the world, under the bondage of sin, you yielded to sin willingly and the end thereof was death. But now that you are in the light, why entangle yourself with the bondage of sin.  You dressed provocatively when you were under bondage, given to lust, and now that you are saved, know ye not that sin shall no longer have dominion over you? Know ye not that you are the temple of the HolyGhost, where the spirit of God dwells? Why do you still expose your breasts and other private areas in other to feel accepted, feel among? Why do you defile the temple of God? Know ye not that you are light and shine as light, even as your Father is light, in whom there is no darkness.  Manifest this light in all manner of conduct, don't you ever think it has no reward. Even those in the world knows light when they see light indeed. Modesty is just a choice...