The thoughts of a man inform his actions. The character you see any man display is a reflection of what goes on within him.

He may think he acted in a particular manner by mistake, but he has consciously or unconsciously taken certain viruses in form of ideas and perception gotten from wrong sources.

The quality of what goes in within you determine the quality of life you are subjected to live, your mind can be a barrier to your lifting.

Your life will not change automatically because you are born again, there is a mindset that sets a man on the track of success in life and ministry. 

If not, Romans 12:2 wouldn't have need exhort us to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. You see the mind again appearing here. 

When the mind is not renewed, there seems to be no difference between a so called Christian and an unbeliever. No wonder people give there lives to Christ and still continue in sin. 

The more you run away from God's word, the more you fall into errors. The word of God is the water that cleanses the soul.

What's the quality of your thought? what do you set your heart on, things above or below? Maybe that is why your are not having access to that dimension you earnestly seek for, maybe your motive needs to be checked, and your mind renewed and set on aggregating all glory to God. 

Paul admonishes us in Philippians 4:8 to think on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue and praise worthy. 

The word of God is the only potent instrument that can uninstall every mindset that does not bow to God's own paradigm in every situation.



  1. We done ma'am
    More grace

  2. The mind is like a disk or a memory card, it stores up informations you are willing to keep...
    Now the main reason why the memory card stores things is because, when anything happens to our phone, we need to have a back up, which is the memory card..
    So also, is our mind...wen we put God's word into it, we keep it there.
    And when we are faced with issues of life, we have a back up which is God's word in our ❤️ heart...
    The only thing that keeps us moving is what we have inside of us..
    That's why d scripture emphasis us to "Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life". (Psalm 4:23)...
    So even when we are in a corrupted world, our mind should remain guard...
    And renewed daily..
    Romans 12:2...
    From Adedoyin

    1. Wow! This is awesome.

      There is power in meditation. Just like you were able to bring out this. God also wants to speak to you in His word. Meditation helps us to lay hold on the word of God for us and to internalize the word.

      Meditation brings the word of God in our head to our spirit. That is when the word of God can truly settle in us to cause a change from inside out.

      Meditation also provokes us to pray the insight we have received from the word into our life, as the process is not complete without praying.

      Living the life is what we have been called to, not just talking the word.

      God bless you sis. Glad you found value.

    2. The mind is very powerful that is why is should be rooted in the word of God

      But, the way you think about yourself turns into your reality we limit ourselves as Christian that is why we have not operating in some dimension of anointing

      #the works that I do ,greater will u do *

        You will become what you constantly think of...As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

  3. Firstly, i want to appreciate our mama (Pst. Mrs. Adedire Adegoke) for being a blessing to me personally and to others. She is really full of inspiration & i must say we are really learning from you ma. Thanks & more oil...

    I really learnt a lot from your last teaching ma & i am writing here now all that has greatly blessed me
    * For us to be women sold out to God, we must first of all have the mind of Christ...we must spend time perusing the word of God & have it tabled on our heart because the word of God is so powerful that its purifies us/ it changed us & the old pictures of sin are gradually transformed into His image (we start becoming like Him & gradually converts into new images of power, ability, manifesting our authority & mission on earth) To crown it all;
    * We must also be prayerful because the two goes together; we pray the word.
    * We must be disciplined.
    * Our service to Him must be intentional


  4. Thanks to Mama Adedire for Yielding and doing all of these to make men in this generation. May you never be disconnected from your source of inspiration in Jesus name. Amen.

    In the context of the Sold out to God meeting, It was made known that as one who has claim to have given her life to Christ should be ready to submit her totality to God. Giving one's life to Christ is been sold out to God.The prove that we have indeed acknowlegde the finished work of Christ is that we live for Him. We were been reminded that Heaven is in need of women who will surrender themselves to be envoys of the kingdom, solution bearers, nation builders and the only way we can be this relevant is by renewal of our mind, our mind must be renewed, to embrace the will of God for us and our generation.

    Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    Renewal of mind is directly proportional to a sold out to God life. It is a renewed mind that can be sold out to God.
    Saying No to self, flesh and worldliness will help us fufil our divine mandate thereby our service can be reasonable and acceptable unto God.

  5. -The actions of a man is directly proportional to the thought of his heart.
    -He can Intentionally or unintentionally accept some false ideas from that can make him act unseemly.
    - What u allow into your life determines how ur life will be.
    -Being born again is not a yardstick for transformation.
    -The reason why a believer can't be distinguish from an unbelievabler is because of the unrenewed mind.
    -To be far from God's word is to be buried in errors
    -What u set u mind and heart on determines what u will get
    For you to have change you must develop the passion of change. With God we find perfect change
    God changes one, change does not come with being born again alone, virtue helps you to grow when change starts.
    Again whatever you do always express Christ in it��
    You can only change when you give your totality to God. For you to help your generation you must be greatly helped by God and this help Can come when you totally yield. You have to be SOG to attain extraordinary heights. You can’t be normal in this abnormal world ( if you are not sold out to God you can’t tackle a man who is sold out to devil)
    Renewal: our mind must be renewed in other to do exploits and it can only happen if we continually expose our hearts to God’s word, and when this happens you will influence others.
    You have to be discipline in other to work with God(discipline of refusal)
    When you know the word of God in our hearts it will reflect in our relationship with others, in our career, in our homes(fulfilling our purpose)
    Renewed mind is contented with the will of God regardless of what men say��
    Submit your mind to the divine programmer for divine programming prov4:23
    For as a man thinketh so he is (what is always your thoughts )
    Whatever you will become will first establish in your heart before it becomes realities �� (psalm 23:7).
    Is not my word like fire: declares the lord and like harmer that breaks a rock in pieces (Jere 23:29)
    The word of God: will crush, break, mould,renew, shape and expose us to realities.
    Thanks ma.
    God bless you and grant you more grace����

  6. Thanks ma for this wonderful write up ma. I'm enlightened.
    _Man acts out his thought. Matt12;34 out of abundance of heart the mouth speak.
    _As a man thinketh so he is. Meaning whatsoever a man thinks he will definitely become. Mind is a mirror that reflects the mind of man knowingly or unknowingly.
    _salvation is not the end of Christianity. colo 2;6 as ye have therefore received Christ so walk in him. We must be ready to follow Christ wholeheartedly.


    _Being rooted in the word of God(knowledge)
    _Meditate on the word of God.
    _Know how to apply the word of God as a powerful weapon whenever devil is trying to play with one's mind.
    _Becoming the word you read from the scripture. We can see this in the book of james cahpter one.
    _Separate oneself from anything that can corrupt one's mind. Examples videos,songs,books e.t.c
    _Choose the right set of people with same vision.
    Vision is powerful and it will make one to consistently be on toes.

  7. Thanks so much for this piece ma'am!!... It is necessary for us to understand that renewing of mind is an intentional act, it's not about God it's about us, it's our will. Paul had to urge the Romans to dedicate themselves to God by renewing their mind,because he knows it's intentional. Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship. And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
    Romans 12:1‭-‬2(Amp). If as a believer you feed your mind with junks, you will end up getting junks even spiritually, Yes!! All that you will be able to access will be shadows. But when you consistently renew your mind by meditating on God's word you access substance... Be deliberate... Think on things that are praise worthy!!

  8. Thanks so much for this piece ma'am!!... It is necessary for us to understand that renewing of mind is an intentional act, it's not about God it's about us, it's our will. Paul had to urge the Romans to dedicate themselves to God by renewing their mind,because he knows it's intentional. Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship. And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
    Romans 12:1‭-‬2(Amp). If as a believer you feed your mind with junks, you will end up getting junks even spiritually, Yes!! All that you will be able to access will be shadows. But when you consistently renew your mind by meditating on God's word you access substance... Be deliberate... Think on things that are praise worthy!!

  9. From Motunrayo

    Hmmm...mama Adedire,thanks for yielding to God,May your wisdom be renewed and refreshed daily. Love you unrepentantly.

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus Philip 2:5.Which mind was in Christ Jesus? A RENEWED MIND.I got to know the mind is the "power house" of man that controls all activities be it spiritual or physical, is the seat of emotions,feelings, thoughts e.t.c and is greater than any form of computer. Whatever step a man will take must pass through the mind before it become reality so..such power house must not be contaminated. Why is emphasis lay on the mind?Because is the technical aspect of man's component which springs forth the issues of life and that's why it be must guided diligently. God created man in his own image and after his likeness but the nature in man must be renewed and reformed due to Adamic nature we inherited because of SIN psalms 51:5.A renewed mind is Absolute transition from old way of life to New life in Christ 2Cor5:17,new creation is a nature that has been sold out to God.Mama said and I quote "An unrenewed mind is as good as an unbelieving mind" Renewing of mind is a continuous process, not stopping until it attain the full nature of God.Jere 23:29;Embracing the continuous process of "renewing" and exposing ourselves to the flame to God's word is the best way to be RENEWED.


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