
*Healthy self-esteem and Holy Ghost-empowered confidence,
*Fear of God and Sensitivity,
*Respect and Honour.

“How hard it is to find a woman of strong character! She is worth far more than jewels”. AAV (Proverbs 31: 10).

No quality of perfume can cover the odour that oozes from a woman with rotten character. It is very disgusting, meanwhile, she's gorgeously made by God.

That great look on the outward part will call for more men to see and perceive the rottenness within. What a disaster!

Though her beauty attracts, her character distracts. If you take a step closer to such individual, you will take ten thousand steps backward because of her unbearable and ugly way of life.

All manner of hopeless situations including dead cases answer to the prayers of the anointed. But a woman with ugly character who can heal?

Character is the sum total of a woman, and most importantly, it determines the lifespan of your relevance in the heart of men, your husband inclusive.

Character is the foundation for your manifestation, if you lose it you lose your life. Whether a woman is dead or alive, check her character. Death here means departure from the people in her environment.

No human being will love to stay one minute with that kind of woman, they all will flee or depart from her without wasting time. Recommend such for a company, she will destroy your reputation and cripple her self image.

How great it is to be full of credible and enviable Character?

You are nothing but a product of your thoughts. A ugly character flows from ugly thoughts.

You can't live a better life other than the one you allow in your mind. Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" Feed on the word, expose your mind to the fire of God's word. A renewed mind births godly virtues.

Don’t think too far woman, godly character will exude from you best when you throw yourself on the wings of the Holy Spirit.

This is the major formula I have for anyone who want to express an enviable character. Every woman who will submit to the Holy Spirit will shine like stars.

A woman who puts her ears to the heart of the Father of Lights stands no chance of being displaced.

She’s got something that is rare, something every other woman is in search of, Holy Ghost-filled confidence, ever preparedness that is not born of pride and arrogance, but a constant dining with the king.

Virtue flows from her consciously and unconsciously, and also, people consciously and unconsciously wants to be like her.

But there is something she does that endears them more to her, she points their attention back to Jesus, right to the source.

Her words are powerful because she is a custodian of awesome words and she gives them out as at when due.

She is not a woman of loose words; she drives others towards the part of destiny fulfillment with her words.

She bridles her whole body by taming her tongue. She understands perfectly Ephesians 4: 29 that says, “Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those hearing”.

A woman of valuable words is respected and  honored.

She is sensitive to the worth of her divine assignment. She holds in high esteem her prophetic destiny and does not compare her journey to that of another woman; she is never competing with others.

She checks her progress with God’s compass alone, not the race of another man. She is a certified customer of God’s grace.

She is not peeping through the window, just to have privy into another woman’s assignment and therefore think she’s got no grace.

The fear of God is the support system for all that exudes from her. All of the grandeur and splendor, beauty and power she displays are not a product of expertise, but the power of the Holy Spirit.

This goes beyond her pulchritude, it is an inner working of the Holy Spirit, leading to the outworking of great influence. It is called GRACE!

Swallow This...
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2)


Power Point

- Destiny is at stake when great character is misplaced.
- Your physical beauty not withstanding, if your character is poor you are too ugly to be stayed with.
- Developing noble character is the hallmark of influence.
- Nothing produces an enviable character better than a Holy Spirit controlled life.
- "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Pro 4:23)
Women of enviable character are rising.

We are rising to become an edifice.

Nations sought after us.

I see a burning generation!

The time is now!


©️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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