Relationship Corner 7.0

Relationship Corner 7.0

I still remember vividly how I had always wished that Damilola Mike-Bamiloye would see me in his dream. 

Each time I saw a Mount Zion movie then, I get the message of the movie which is always spiritually enriching, but I also had this Damilola's thought in my head. 

Imagine Damilola coming to Ondo State in search of me. I wished God would just give him specific information about me to him, my name, my location, my physical description and all sort. 

I wouldn't have bordered to pray, my head 'don' better be that, I had great interest in drama then. One plus one will just become one 'sharperly', no wasting of time. 

Fast-forward many years later, if he comes now to propose to me, like an open check, you know what I mean, I will never give an affirmative response.

I have grown to understand that marriage is beyond getting hooked up with a celebrity; marriage is beyond fantasizing and unreasonable imagination.

Marriage is spiritual and all encompassing, a divine mandate meant to facilitate the destiny of everyone who is ready to submit to the architect of marriage. 

I have come to know that not all burning and purpose driven men are meant for me. 

Your destiny is peculiar, unique and not ordinary. So, you can't afford to go about marriage in an ordinary manner. The round peg must fit into its specific round hole. 

Marital fulfillment is hinged upon journeying along with the right man or woman. If you guess your way in, you will guess your way out.

Likewise, if you rush in, you will definitely rush out. There is no two-way about it.

Embrace divine guidance!


©️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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