
The bible says "men ought always to pray and not faint...", that is, when a man is not praying, he is definitely fainting. 

A fainting man is at the mercy of circumstances surrounding him, he is oblivious of his destiny and he is receptive to anything life has to offer.

See, a life may be collapsing, but not when grace shows up, definitely not when power shows up. 

The bible says the prayer of a righteous man makes power available. Aayaah… a situation remains the same until a righteous man rises up to pray.

Hubby shared a revelation with me and I want to share it with you: let it settle in your spirit that when you pray, let your prayer go vertical before going horizontal. Connect to heaven first, gain balance in the spirit as you pray in the spirit. 

Don’t push forward the circumstances surrounding your life first, go to God with a hungry heart for Him and Him alone. Gain balance first, don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will give you prayer points.

It’s recorded that Peter went to the top of the roof to pray while in the house of Simon the tanner. After praying, it’s recorded that he saw heaven opened and revelational knowledge was released unto him. He was so aligned that he could relate with heaven’s demand.

As we pray, our capacity is being enlarged to hold, host and relate with heaven’s demand for our lives and our generation.

Then you will realise that the situation we call big or irredeemable is only big to someone who has not caught the revelation of how to go about it.

Do you know what, the reason why there is so much competition is because men can no longer pray, we are fainting. 

The irony of it is that even fainting men wants to be relevant. So there is a rat race that will lead men to nowhere until they humble themselves enough to pray. 

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and in due time God will lift you up.


@Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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