Brethren, know ye not that you have been washed from your sins? When you were in the world, under the bondage of sin, you yielded to sin willingly and the end thereof was death. But now that you are in the light, why entangle yourself with the bondage of sin.
You dressed provocatively when you were under bondage, given to lust, and now that you are saved, know ye not that sin shall no longer have dominion over you? Know ye not that you are the temple of the HolyGhost, where the spirit of God dwells?
Why do you still expose your breasts and other private areas in other to feel accepted, feel among? Why do you defile the temple of God?
Know ye not that you are light and shine as light, even as your Father is light, in whom there is no darkness.
Manifest this light in all manner of conduct, don't you ever think it has no reward. Even those in the world knows light when they see light indeed.
Modesty is just a choice away from you. When you make the decision to go for modesty, it is a right and perfect one, you will eat the fruits thereof.
A lady who wear clothes that expose her body made her decisions, nobody does that by mistake. I once heard that someone said, “if I don’t expose my breasts, I don’t feel good to go out”. Funny right?
Many atimes, what you appear in reveals who you are and the state of your mind. Sometimes, it reveals your values, priorities and what you believe and hold in high esteem. In fact, it reveals our insecurities.
I don’t have to expose my breasts to look beautiful. I don’t have to expose my laps for the approval of man. I don’t have to look crazy to be noticed.
I choose to be modest!
What about you?
More grace Ma. This is powerful.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thanks dear
DeleteMore Grace and Wisdom.