
There's no sense in coming up with your own ideas when it's only God's counsel that will stand- Bob Sorge
I love the system of operation of God, especially when it comes to His dealings with us 'humans'. 

When we take a step towards Him, He creates a new gap so that we will never think we have arrived.

As we discover this depth, we get to see that there is one more new step on the ladder. We will ever have to depend on Him no matter what depth we have seen or touched. No man will ever see the end of His power. 

A relationship of pure dependency!

Remove the Spirit of God from a man and then see how common and useless man is, mere clay with so much weaknesses that will ever birth error consistently.

Alignment with His purposes is impossible, unattainable, unrealisable without the Spirit of God.

You know what, I am so glad that same Spirit that raised Jesus abides in us, quickening us unto righteousness.
When the Spirit of God resides in a mortal man, it means all the power and abilities of God is embedded in Him, so that he can do what ordinarily he wouldn't have been able to do, attain, pull. Am so glad brethren, follow me:
Paul said, 'Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God'.
NIV puts it this way: 'Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God'
Paul said of such confidence I boast. I love it when I know that I am not enough.

We are made competent by God's Spirit that gives life. We produce results beyond our imagination, that which human reasoning cannot unravel by this deposit of God's Spirit in us.

Follow me as I show you a depency recipe in the scripturesπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways aknowledge, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight, He will direct your path" Prov 3:5-6.

Your own ideas, no matter how nice, logical, mind blowing and breath taking they seem, cannot carry you through your life journey, cannot bring to reality God's own purposes.

Don't waste anymore second trying to figure out things. Trust! Depend! He will surprise you.

If you walk in this, you will never expire!


©️Adedire Adekanbi


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