
You need a healthy dose of self esteem to be great in life, otherwise, even when everyone around is seeing a wonderful woman, all you will keep seeing is an unfortunate, less privileged one.

Whatever you will become in life starts with your perception of your self, how you see your self, the value you place on yourself, either you see yourself as a plus to this generation or a loss.

If you will ever achieve a meaningful milestone, you must be your number one fan with apology to no one.

You must be first to appreciate your qualities, abilities and capabilities. Be the first to appreciate your body shape, facial appearance and your carriage.

Don't leave your validation in the hand of another man, they may be too jealous to let you realise that you are amazing, full of potentials and enviable qualities.

Let that validation come from within you, it is a litmus test that tells you are ready to scale that height.

One of the reasons we wait for external validations before we are at peace is because we are yet to enter into the reality of what the word of God says about us.

The word says that you are the apple of God's eyes, God's own special possession, you are God, you have not the Spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, you are His workmanship, created after the similitude of God, the hairs of your head numbered, engrafted in the palm of His hands, rigedoshπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Always remember that even if you don't believe what the word says about you,  the devil does. He is intentionally working on your insecurities to keep you from becoming God's masterpiece.


©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


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