"A tongue speaking believer who is not disciplined in character with opposite sex, money, words, time, and so on is like a car without a brake leading towards a ditch"- P. Daniel.

An undisciplined man is like a city without wall. It's not enough to abound in spiritual gifts, but also to be guided by the word. The extent to which you able to reflect Christ in your character is the true test of your maturity.

In fact is better to go for a man or woman who has this hard core on the inside, stands for the truth embedded in the word, than a gifted babe, who abounds in gifts but zero character.

Either you like it or not, you are one of the influential books your children will read on the subject of character. Hmmm!

Character is something you hold fast to inside, and people see in you on the outside. More essentially, it is what God sees in you always.

Character is what defines you, it is one of the important things you have. How are you investing in yours?

Apart from intelligence, competence, or special talents, character applies to the aggregate of moral qualities by which a person is judged.

The character of a man outlives him. The character of a man either recommends or disqualifies him. It forever remains a tool that either impede or accelerate the relevance of a man in any sphere of life.

Gift draws, character maintains and sustains. It is a key factor in the maintenance of every success/ height we attain or aim to attain.

Your character travels faster than your legs can take you. Character spreads like wide fire. Character is contagious.

It has the capacity to travel the nations of the world. It gets to a nation even before you step into it.

Your gift may introduce you to the public, but character determines the expiry date of your relevance in the heart of men and in the agenda of God.

If we will improve on our character, there is need for an internal flushing or renewal by the word. Your character cannot be more healthier than your heart.

An operation must take place on the inside of us which of course is worked out in us by the Holy Spirit, but not without your cooperation.

Meditate on the beauty and blessedness of godly character, desire to be a man or woman of great character, for passion presupposes action.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”. Romans 12:2.

Expose your life to the fire of God’s word, wetting and soaking of your mind in God's word. The revelation of God's word changes a man from inside out.

Prayerfully flush out every seed, (maybe it has even grown into a tree and probably a big one) that the enemy is watering in your life.

He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots”. Mathew 15:13.

"What brings down a man from the top does not meet him at the top, it grows with him"- Bro. Ayo Oluwaluyi.


©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


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