
Get it once and for all that you are a unique being, created for a unique purpose and unique life journey.

Many a times we fall into error when we are trying to be who we are already, when we are trying to recreate what has already been created by God.

Why not save that trying energy to bring out what you already have in you.

Ofcourse, there is always room for improvement, but dont just discard your unique qualities in the process of trying to be unique.

Its amazing when people say 'I want to try to be unique', and in the process of trying to be unique, we copy others consciously or unconsciouly.

I came to tell you today that you are unique by default, believe me, no one can do anything the way you would do it, if you are in the scene.

You speak uniquely, walk uniquely, smile uniquely, sing uniquely, do virtually all things in unique ways.

Infact, no matter how alike the voice of two people may sound, the distinction is still always significant.

You see why comparing yourself to others is the most foolish adventure you can ever embark upon, journey that leads no where but the deepest pit.

Quit trying to be what you are, dont try to be unique, rather, act out your uniqueness. Divert that energy to building the areas of your strong core competencies.

You can do that same thing you saw being done in your own unique way, not neccessarily like her or like him.

So, appreciate the way you talk, love the way you smile, have deep love for the way you put your thoughts together...your uniqueness is just so unique.

Dont try to be are already.



©️Adedire Adekanbi


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