
Do you remember that period you were in the midst of difficulties and you thought all hope was lost? But you heard that still small voice telling you this is the way, walk therein.

At a time it seemed you were the only single, unengaged sister walking the face of the earth, but when you least expected it, a man after God's own heart showed up.

Probably you were abused, raped during childhood, but you don't look like where you are coming from because Jesus interrupted your life.

Admission didn't click on time and those waiting years were frustrating, look at you now, you are now a graduate.

You were involved in a ghastly motor accident, you thought that was the end, but you are still bubbling with life till now.

Thank God you had mentors in your life that came in right on time, that man would have destroyed your destiny.

Maybe you were even in that relationship for years, but now you are grateful you didn't end up with him or her.

At some points in your life, when the devil thought the battle was going in his favour, God took a step that up till now the devil has no clue of. Be thankful...

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Cor 1 : 3

Sweetheart, it was a hard process, as though passing through the fire, but here you are, even the smoke cannot be perceived on you.

You came out strong so that you can also comfort others with the comfort that you received. All those experiences are not just coincidences, they are part of your making, they are powerful tools in your hands for positive influence.

Even while in the midst of any trouble, you can still consciously look out for those in need of comfort. Your help is on the way.

Look pass your tears, your pains, your needs and be a comfort to someone. 

Maybe if you clean those tears you will see the lady sitting in that corner, not far from you, planning to attempt suicide tomorrow.

Who knows, maybe you will be sensitive enough to perceive that brother living next to you has nothing to eat tonight.

Peradventure you will be able to attend promptly to that sister who needs the gospel now.
Rise up for the Salvation of others!



©️Adedire Adekanbi


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