
Don't overwork yourself trying to please everyone. I tell you, once they are not for you, everything you do seems odd to them.

If you take road A, not all will be pleased. If you take road B, not all will be pleased as well.

So, be decisive and firm, having known what God wants for you.

You shall ear a word behind you, saying, this is the way, walk therein, when you turn to the right and when you turn to the left.

Twenty advisers may be around you, but let the voice of the Holy Spirit take preeminence.

Having multitude around does not mean progress. Separating yourself from the crowd of indecisive people is helpful.

There are times you just stand alone because you are persuaded and sure of whom and what you believe.

You know what, John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say he has demon. The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say he is a glutton and a drunkard.

Follow your course, set your eyes on the goal, don't be distracted.

Wisdom is proved right by her deeds.


©️Adedire Adekanbi


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