
I dont know where you are coming from, what you have been through, what you suffered, the harsh times you endured, the lonely periods. 

Maybe you were once shattered, battered, broken, used, and embittered.

I surely may not know all these, but I am sure of one thing, If anyman is in Christ, he is a new creature, the old has passed and the new has come, entanglements destroyed, chains broken, life anew, justified, purified and made whole.

You have come into the One who is before the beginning and in whom all things hold together. Not one, not two, but all things!

Even that which you call the pieces of your life are all held together in Christ, held together to become whole again.

You are now in Him who is able to step into your past like it was yesterday and turn your life around to your own amazement, for His glory alone and to the shame of the devil.

When you are in Christ, your past becomes an advantage unto you. Any witness in the house!

And one more time the devil loses, because he is out there trying to figure out where he left a crack in the wall, how you escaped, that one more thing he didn't do, even if it will come, he didnt know your freedom will come that soon, he was caught unaware, and now he is so mad.

So, tear off the past, you are made whole, the pieces of your life is held together by the supernatural force of the Spirit.

This year 2019 is a year of supernatural manifestations and exploits, babes are becoming statured, measures are being released, eyes of understanding are enlightened, men and women are rising, a sporadic shift beyond human comprehension.

Settle down for growth beloved, 1 day or 20years old in Christ notwithstanding, the supernatural force of the Holy ghost is invading even those who think nothing good can come out of them by the virtue of their past, and those who think they are not ready.

God is making you a channel of blessing.


©️Adedire Adekanbi


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