
Oftentimes, God tells you to pass through the other road, rather than this road of your choice.

This particular route that He is pointing your attention to may not appeal to you, but don't forget you are dealing with the one who knows the end from the beginning, He sees the blessings, likewise the dangers upfront.

The particular job you are on may not be a job of your choice, but God says, "stay on this for now". You want to make a move concerning an opportunity that just opened unto you, but the Holy Spirit is telling you that door is not for you.

I always love this moments because when the Holy Spirit is laying emphasy over certain things, God simply wants you to go through something. He wants to open to you certain secrets that you must know before you get to the top.

God wants you to handle certain assignments that you must be prepared for. He wants you to learn through absolute obedience.

Cut off this line of "If not because of God I won't be here", and learn in humility and total surrender.


©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


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