What do you think about yourself?

What do you think about yourself?

Self knowledge presupposes self development and actualization. Nothing cripples one's glorious life and destiny than the lack of self understanding.

The prophesies that has gone ahead of you not withstanding, if you are void of the reasons why you are here, you might end up in frustration.

You must see yourself in the light of Christ. Know and understand what God says about you. This will help you in defining yourself.

Your life begins the day you know and understand who you are in Christ.
In fact, that's the foundation for self awareness.

It helps you to define your abilities and capabilities, your strength and points the light to who will go along with you.

You are a royal priesthood. You are royalty. Her royal highness, the Princess of the living God.

The apple of God's eyes, a precious jewel, jewel of inestimable value.
God's own special possession, He is jealous about you, wants you to live for His own glory alone, no other.

God is specific about you. He knew you before your mother conceived you and chose you before the beginning of the world. No wonder when you were yet in sin, Jesus died for you, and brought you out of death to life.

Now, you are alive in Christ, dead to sin and wordly passion, living unto Christ your saviour.

You are not ordinary. God went out of His way just to get you back to Himself.

He cannot simply afford to lose you again to the arms of a man who has no bearing to the cross.

He took you through 'THE WAY' and He has prepared for you a man who has also journeyed through 'THE WAY'.

Your father is giving you out, His daughter, to one of His sons.


©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


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