Relationship Corner 3.0

Relationship Corner 3.0

I know quite a number of sisters struggle with submission even in a godly relationship (even the HolyGhost filled and fire producing ones; forget about pulpit for now) and many brothers can't simply put up with this.

She is the one for you, you are very sure of that, but what is this obnoxious character about? If she can't submit to me now, how will she submit in marriage.

The sister is always like, "The bible says wives, (not intending wives) submit to your husbands (not intending husband) in the Lord. So, when we get married, you will get all the submission you need.

So, you have resolved to anger, you argue over so many things and both of you are becoming tired of the relationship already.

Brother, you have started reporting her to your friends and even your Mum and both of you are beginning to think you didn't hear God clearly.

Our spiritual brother sir, if she were to be one of your mentees, will you give up on her? Will you tell her that her case is irremediable.

Even the fact that you resolved to anger shows that you have your own character flaw sir.

Reporting to your friends shows you still need to grow up. What if this phase pass?

Why do we go through courtship? Is it not to prayerfully and by the word trash out and uproot every evil seed planted, many times by the virtue of our background.

Don't look down on any human being, or think nothing good can come out of her. How many times have you prayed for her? 
How many times have you encouraged her to go for seminars and godly women gatherings?
How often do you speak positive words to her? How often do you paint to her the picture of what you see her becoming? How have you shown love?

Do you know what? You can't change any body by your mere words. For the Kingdom of God is not in talking but of power.

Love is powerful! This is the right time to show you are a Christian. Let this lady look at you and say you are Jesus.

Do you know what brother? Nothing is as powerful as laying godly examples of submission, let her see submission in you, let her see Holy Ghost - controlled temperament in you, let her see Christ through you.

By the time she becomes a better person, she will always look back and she will see the track record, a record of absolute trust and confidence in your leadership. In fact, she will find it difficult to call another person her mentor.

She will also be a blessing to others who are struggling to submit. Oh what the joy of putting people through a stage you once struggled with.

See what is happening here, she has grown and you have also become better.

Let us wake up and stop throwing away relationships that's meant to birth kingdom seeds, just because we are not patient enough to see what God wants us to see.

God has spoken, but it takes the two to make it work. Never think there's any perfect human somewhere.

The authority we have is not for tearing each other down, but for building each other up.


©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


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