I want to quickly talk about two kinds of Christians: The surface Christian and Rooted Christians.

The surface christian is one who remains as soon as everything go as planned, they have shallow root, they remain standing as long as there is no opposition.

They have inadequate access to the source of nutrient needed to remain, they are short lived. 

Most of the times, they make the loudest noise, only to fall when the flood comes. They are inconsistent and undependable, they only profess Christ as soon as the goodies flow, they are short sighted, they cannot see beyond now.

They only live for today, they have no capacity to conceive a vision for the future, they are in Christ for their selfish gain. 

They are tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. They do not have the stamina to endure hardship, they pull of their skirt in other to get a job because they have waited for too long.

They falsify figures in order to get promoted. They do not desire to carry God, neither to know His ways, talk less of touching His grace.

They long for power neglecting the process, they have no heart for God, only looking for ways to access His blessings. Studying the word is a burden to them, fasting and praying weighs them down. 

They are not ready to pay any sacrifice. They run away from anything that warrant them to take up responsibility. They cannot be a light no matter how much they try. 

Brethren, everything about a surface Christian cannot be exhausted in just one write up. Let me quickly go the second kind of Christian.

The rooted Christian is the opposite of all that is written above.
When the flood comes, before it pulls down a building, the first thing it checks is the foundation. Is it on a solid rock or a sinking sound?

Think about this, will this kind of foundation you are building for your Christian life be able to withstand the storm of life? If your answer is No, then, WHAT DO I DO?

The first thing is to count the cost. See what the scripture says about this: 

"But don't begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?” Luke 14:28.

What do you see yourself becoming in the next five to ten years? Do you want to be found In Christ fulfilling purpose or in an hopeless situation, running against the wind, chasing shadows and living for nothing?

I asked someone few months back, ‘who do you see yourself becoming in the next 5 years?” Guess what the respond was, “ I WILL BECOME A PELZIN NOW”

If that is also your state, may today mark a total turn around in your life. May your mindset receive freshness from above.

So, count the cost of the kind of future you want and start building the right kind of foundation that is strong enough to carry you to the end.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, richly there is referring to a deep root in the word of God.

He who has an ear, let him hear. Build the right foundation today. The deeper your root in Christ, the firmer you stand.

What is your desire? A surface Christian or a Rooted Christian?
 God bless you.



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