
It is often said that "nobody is above mistake". This should not be a licence for anyone to continue to embrace error, just as your awareness of several antivirus softwares is not a good reason to open up your laptop to virus. Most often than none such system might not remain the same.

The laptop could have been restored by the effective operation of the antivirus, yet, we can't deny the corruption that the virus might have done to the important documents on the system. It is not a must that you get it wrong before you get it right.

When God wanted to unleash the plan of redemption, He was specific about the choice of vessel to accomplish this great mission. He needed to plant an incorruptible seed and this could only come through a chaste vessel. A woman, in the midst of a perverse generation was on point. He found one and poured His favour on her.

She was in courtship, soon to get wedded, she had a man she could mess up with, but no, she wasn't that kind of woman. She was gloriously waiting for her first night as a married woman, but in the midst of this, the Holy Ghost caught her.

Don't forget that as a woman in courtship with a man she loved, she would have been dreaming about how her honeymoon would look like before the promise of the father came. Nevertheless, her destiny called for more period of separation and abstinence from sex.

The release of the great seed (Jesus) into her conferred on her the necessity to abstain from any sexual engagement with any man until the delivery of the Holy Child (Jesus).
Guess what, Mary concurred with divine plan for her life. She kept herself under and she became a wonder and a reference point from generation to generation.

Listen to me dear woman, there are specific assignments meant for some specific set of women. Because of the peculiarity of that assignment, it can't be given to just anybody, it requires an available vessel.

"And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1: 28).

You can never find a distinguished woman who is not disciplined. A disciplined lifestyle is key to distinction. It is true that greatness comes from the Lord, you need a coordinated or disciplined lifestyle to host and keep it.

We are all aware that Jesus can take up, cleanse and use anybody, please don't go rolling in the mud. You don't need to be bruised, chattered and wounded before your head becomes straight. Maintain focus and shun immorality.

Get this, no amount of free sex and uncontrolled emotions can secure the correct man for you. Men of valor don't go to the dungeon of immorality in search of their destiny mate.

You better stay and remain correct, even when it seems you are the only one standing. Anyways that is how to be outstanding - 'to stand out'. Do not give in to unnecessary peer pressure, you are a rear and a unique breed.

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." (1Cor 6:19-20).

God has beautiful plans and blessings for you. To access and gain control over all, you must embrace self control. Self control is key to total control. To get the right spouse, be right and remain immovable.

"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." (1Cor 6:12).

Power Points
- Destiny is a race of responsibility, if you say yes to your destiny you must say yes to being chaste.

- The pain that comes with indiscipline is much. To avoid needless cries and pains, remain focused and well disciplined. 

- Never say yes to anybody when you know you are not ready. Be coordinated. 

- The scars of your past wrong life is something you might not like to continue to see, you don't need to be wounded before you emerge a winner.

- The power to say yes or no is with you, constantly go for the one that will secure a glorious future for you in any situation.

Remain Blessed!


©️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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