Every disobedience will take you on a journey to a strange land. Look at Jonah, he disobeyed God and headed for Tarshish, instead of Nineveh.

The prodigal son went into a far country, a strange land so he could live his life as he wanted, outside of God's plan. 

The cost of disobedience is so great, It took the Isrealites to Babylon where they had to sing the lord's song in a strange land.

Why do we live in perpetual disobedience to God’s word and yet desire the glory and blessing that comes with total or complete obedience.

Any love you have for God that is not propelling you to have a closer relationship with your maker is fake. Genuine love of God constraints. 
"For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:"2Cor.5:14.

When your love for God is void of complete obedience to God, you are simply on a journey to a strange land.

Ask the Israelites, ask the prodigal son, their experiences in the strange land were not palatable, the children of the promise had to serve the enemies of God, they were slaves to their enemies.

If you live in disobedience to God's word, you are only signing to become a slave to the devil, and there is enough work for you to do. 

You may be enjoying the pleasures now, that is part of tricks of the enemy to make you sink deeper in your sins.

Remember that the prodigal son spent all he had when he got to the strange land, it was enjoyment at first, then lack, poverty, wretchedness and calamity followed. 

Don't forget that there is a way, so broad and wide (destruction wrapped Inside a fancy paper bag), that seemeth  right unto man, but the end thereof is destruction.

The devil will use you till you come to yourself like the prodigal son and seek God. 

How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

So many are running up and down for God, but they are not on the list of God because they are disobedient and hence cannot be a medium for the light of God to shine.

They are simply singing the Lord’s song in a strange land, but an end comes to that today.

Seek God today and He is ever ready to receive, accept and forgive you, blot away your sins and tear the record of your sins.

He is knocking at the door of your heart, open up the door to Jesus today.

Grace Calls...



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