In this age where ladies/ women are swept off their feet by ephemerals, thank God we still have ladies/ women who have the picture of where they are going in their hearts/mind and are not ready to trade glory for a piece of cake.

I salute all the women/ladies who are determined, resilient and relentless, they know the sacrifices of today will pay off tomorrow.

I congratulate the women/ ladies who will never boycott the holy spirit to take decisions that will invite calamity into their lives.

I am grateful to God for the women/ ladies who are not running after the wrapper, neglecting the content. Oh yes! They are not putting all efforts on the outward while the inward man perisheth.

Blessed are the women/ladies who are not running after the latest fashion, yet void of the next move of God in their lives.

Kudos to the women/ladies who have the understanding that their destiny is not in hands of any man and they stick to God for life.

I heart the women/ladies who do not see relationship/marriage as an end in itself but a means to an end.

I celebrate women/ladies who think purpose and walk in it and know that it is not meant to fizzle away because of any relationship/marriage rather strengthened.

I appreciate women/ladies who have their hearts yielded to God and have Him as their only alternative.

More grace to women/ladies who are not busybodies, gossips and backbiters but are examples to the younger ones.

Shout out to women/ladies who are not pretending to be who they are not just to get a man's approval, they are proud of whom and where they are, on their way to where they want to be.

I am proud of women/ ladies who have presented and still presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice, wholly and acceptable unto God.

More power to the elbow of women/ladies who carry themselves as queens and princesses, they know their worth and will never open their laps to no man but their husband.

My love for women/ladies who are making sacrifices today that will impact their generation like never before can never diminish.

Glory to God for women/ladies who pursue purity with the whole of their hearts and their greatest  desire and longing is to become women after God's own heart.

Blessed is the woman/ lady whom a godly man will choose above silver and gold.

I am encouraged by the women/ladies who have  not bowed to Baal but are threat to Baal.

I celebrate you!

You Are a Rare Gem.



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