Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

The breastplate is an armor that the soldiers wear to protect the chest region and of course we know that is where the heart is.

As soldiers of Christ, we must always have our spiritual breastplate on, we must guard our heart with all diligence in obedience to God's word.

Protect your gates, your eye and ear gates. It is what comes from the heart that defiles a man. Nevertheless, nothing enters the heart, but through the eyes and the ears.

Corruption can only flow into your heart by what you see and what you hear.

Be a good soldier by guarding your gates, by the help of the Spirit, determine what goes in, what stays in and what goes out.

Whatever a man will become in life is first established in his heart. What will keep him from fulfilling purpose must also first find a foothold in his heart.

Determine what takes preeminence, fill your spiritual heart, your mind, with the word of God, meditate on the word of God. Be full of the word, filled with the Spirit and stay full of the Spirit.

Give no room to the devil!


©️Adedire T. Adegoke


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