
Showing posts from September, 2017


                                            PROCRASTINATION: AN ARK ENEMY OF GREATNESS   BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI A  page of my bible got removed, the removed page dropped into my bag and got squeezed up. Each time I see the page in my bag, I remind myself that I need to attach it, but will later forget and eventually I ignored it. During evening service in Church, the particular text the preacher dwelled upon was on that page. I had to search my bag, brought the squeezed page out, straighten it out before I could read. That’s not all, after this incident I felt so guilty, but do you know I didn't do anything about it until the page got lost and I couldn’t find it again. So, one page is missing in my bible but am still searching hoping that I will find it. Can you see? The cost of procrastination is greater than we can fatho...


                                    HIM ALONE BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI Every decision I have ever made without waiting for God to bring me word has led to nothing but regrets over the years. In the midst of many triumphant testimonies were also periods that I learnt my lessons the hard way. I have come to lay hold on the fact that it takes complete yieldedness to the holy spirit to overcome the subtility of the devil. You can’t play around the devil without getting your ass whipped off. There is no day you meet his head at home because his assignment is to kill, to steal and destroy. Our eyes must be opened to this truth. Seeing eyes, hearing ears and understanding heart are keys needed for the journey of life. We must open up ourselves up to the reality of God's word and have a deep  understanding of how dangerous it is to take any decision without instruction from Go...


DON'T DESPISE IT, RATHER SOW IT  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI No seed is too small to be sown. That thing you consider as small will grow and shoot out great branches with consistent and persistent watering. The kingdom of Heaven is likened to a grain of mustard seed, something small that can be despised, overlooked and underused because of its smallness. Stage 1 – But when it is sown Stage 2- It growth up Stage 3- It becometh greater Stage 4- Shoot out great branches Stage 5- It becomes a blessing to the whole world Every success in life and ministry without a process is a mirage, a counterfeit and void of the life of Christ. Continue to invest in the word, sow in prayer, read books that will advance your knowledge of God. Seek first the kingdom, seek the ways, the rightness of the kingdom.  Stand for righteousness, build right relationships, deal with bad character and attitude that debar greatness. Continue to align your life with His wil...


CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI Give not that which is holy unto the dogs because dogs value nothing, everything that comes it way will be dirtied and torn. You are a treasure, cast not your pearls before swine because the swine enjoys abiding in swampy areas, anything given to it will enter the swamp. Do you know that your body is the temple of the holy ghost, you should be offered as a living sacrifice unto God and not Dogs? Do you know you have pearls that are of great value and not meant for the swine? If you are not In contact with the reality of this truth, it is very unlikely for you not to devalue your self. The saying that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable is very correct, because coming into reality of whom you are in Christ is key to your manifestation and standing firm. God values you more than any brother does no matter the level of care and attention you get. If you are ignorant ...


WHO IS YOUR SECURITY?  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI We have endangered our lives severally because the hope of our security is in vague and ephemeral things. We have built up businesses, relationships, empires, wealth that we pride in. That is why a Christian would accept to Change figures in the company where he works in order not to loose his job. His job has now become his security, compromising God's standard in other to keep the job given to him by the same God. You are in a relationship, and the man believes he must check you out and have a carnal knowledge of you before marriage. You decided to succumb after much pressure because the relationship has become your security. You are afraid of loosing him at the expense of honoring God. You have already told that brother that you are not interested, but, just because you don’t have the money to make your hair, you decided to put a call through to say hi, peradventure anything can drop from him. Why? Cos you have ...


EMBRACE DIVINE WISDOM  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" 1 Cor 1:30. Wisdom crieth on the house stop saying come, come and drink of the well of life ye simple at heart. Carnal instinct has gained ground in the lives of the most Christians nowadays, we give in too much to sensuality and  fleshly lusts which has landed us in trouble countless numbers of times. We are sold out to being led by feelings and emotions which in itself has nothing to offer but death. Then, we ask ourselves why we are not producing viable results. We read the Bible, but then, we don't give attention to the leading of the Spirit instead, we invest in activities that cannot produce the life of God in us. We make irrational decisions based on how we feel at the moment, and we later regret bitterly. We have lackadaisical attitudes towards biblical princip...
THE PASSWORD TO DIVINE IMMUNITY  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI. Many die secretly because they neglect their secret place. At the heart of every viable walk with God is the understanding of power of the secret place. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (PS 91:1). There is a divine coverage over every life that dwells in the secret place of God. If you have a key revelation of this verse , you will understand the audacity and confidence of the psalmist in the remaining verses. I will say of the lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.PS 91:2. Indeed, dwelling in the secret place infuses us with strength and undaunting confidence in the abilities of the only true God. The later part of verse 4 says, His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. We need the revelation of truth to be shielded and unmovable in this world. That is what we lay hold on when we dwell ...


THE BEAUTY ON THE INSIDE  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth col 3:2. I have discovered a truth, which is, the inner beauty gives more beauty to the outward beauty.  We live in a world where almost everyone is easily blinded by the beauty of the wrapper, not paying necessary attention to the content it holds which is weightier in value and authenticity. Our minds are impoverished by shadows of the real things, meanwhile there is more to beauty than mere eyes can see. Physical beauty is limited to this earth realm because it will eventually diminish and perish. The beauty on the inside is priceless, it can’t be bought with money and can take you farther than your imagination in fulfilling the purpose of God for your life. What do I call inner beauty? It's the real beauty of a person that goes far beyond physical appearances and outward adornment, which to some is a joke. Your beauty l...


LET GOD HAVE HIS WAY  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI Human beings by nature have weaknesses. That’s why we need God, show me a man that is void of any weakness and I will show you a man who needs God for nothing. Weaknesses are area of inadequacies in ones life which we all have, excluding none. Where the problem comes in is inability to identify these weaknesses or knowing them and pretending as if they are not there. Taking eyes off them and in a bit to make up for them, we establish our own righteousness. We give excuses for our inabilities and explain away our failures. We have one thousand and one reasons why we behave in a particular way or talk in a particular manner. Have you ever heard words like: I love that sister but she talks too much, she doesn’t know how to talk at all, she has mouth diarrhea. I love that brother, he can preach very well but he is very lousy. She does not have control over her anger, She can get angry anywhere, anyhow, any momen...


TO YOUR BEAUTY ADD VIRTUE  BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI Your  beauty is a misfit when you don’t carry God. When your beauty is void of virtue, it is likened to a bird with beautiful feathers but lacks the capacity to fly. Once has He spoken, but twice have I heard, that beauty without Godly substance, virtue and character is vain. I love this young, dark inspiring lady but I choose to look beyond the beauty. Rather, look inward and bring out something substantial, worthwhile to offer my generation. I believe Jesus did not go through all He went through just to make me a nonentity or a robot. He has imputed in me greatness, I refuse to live a life of nothingness, living for nothing and pursuing nothing. The days we are in are full of evil but you can choose to be a shining light, a light that is bright enough to eradicate darkness totally. You can choose to bring out the princess in you to intimidate the prince of this world. You can choose to soak yours...


ESCAPE THAT CAGE BY ADEDIRE ADEKANBI "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is high at hand." Joel 2:1 - "Every impression without expression would bring depression" - Tosin Adegoke     In his discussions with me sometimes ago, Bro. Tosin opened my eyes to the fact that the most powerful and fastest way to depression is failure to give expression to what the Lord is impressing upon ones heart per time. Two things could be responsible for the lack of expression of God's ability in a man. It could either be inability to relate intelligibly with divine impressions or timidity. *Listen dear, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7.* *Blow The Trumpet* Lay hold onto the reality of the above scriptures, it is time for you to express th...