A page of my bible got removed, the removed page dropped into my bag and got squeezed up.

Each time I see the page in my bag, I remind myself that I need to attach it, but will later forget and eventually I ignored it.

During evening service in Church, the particular text the preacher dwelled upon was on that page.

I had to search my bag, brought the squeezed page out, straighten it out before I could read.

That’s not all, after this incident I felt so guilty, but do you know I didn't do anything about it until the page got lost and I couldn’t find it again.

So, one page is missing in my bible but am still searching hoping that I will find it.

Can you see? The cost of procrastination is greater than we can fathom, it may appear so simple to you but far greater, I know procrastination must have cost us something valuable in the past.

As insignificant as it appears, its an ark enemy of greatness. It has rubbished so many people’s visions and aspiration.

It has rendered many unfulfilled, why? Cos time lost can never be regained.

In my own case, I can still buy a new bible but what of in a case where the thing in question cannot be bought with money?

When an inspiration is flowing into me, I quickly pick my pen and book, no matter what am doing cos I know postponing it may cost me an inspiring write up that will bless people more than my imagination.

Procrastination is defined as the act of postponing, delaying, or putting off what ought to be done now either habitually or intentionally.

When it becomes an habit, then extra work needs to be done by praying and talking to your mentor.

Infact, there are some aspect of our lives that we know is not good enough, e.g character wise and the choices we make.

Instead of working on it immediately with the help of God, we squeeze it up and assume it won't affect our journey, a little patch here and there. We will work on it later right?

You have postponed reading the bible, praying, starting the sewing school, starting the catering school, working on that bad character, you have projects half accomplished, abandoned goals and visions.

You have postponed writing the book, the song, starting the school.  You have even postponed giving your life to Christ or getting to know God deeper. The list is endless, you know yours.

Don’t embark on the journey of your life riding in a car that has a bad engine, it will make the journey burdensome, tiring, and slow.

Interestingly, life will demand from us every lesson we need to learn and did not learn.

By the time it is demanded, I hope we will not be too much in a hurry to make things right.

Procrastination is detrimental to your rising, stop it today before it stops you.

See you at the top.



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