"But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" 1 Cor 1:30.

Wisdom crieth on the house stop saying come, come and drink of the well of life ye simple at heart.

Carnal instinct has gained ground in the lives of the most Christians nowadays, we give in too much to sensuality and  fleshly lusts which has landed us in trouble countless numbers of times.

We are sold out to being led by feelings and emotions which in itself has nothing to offer but death. Then, we ask ourselves why we are not producing viable results.

We read the Bible, but then, we don't give attention to the leading of the Spirit instead, we invest in activities that cannot produce the life of God in us.

We make irrational decisions based on how we feel at the moment, and we later regret bitterly.

We have lackadaisical attitudes towards biblical principles and cling very quickly to negative attitudes that often land us in trouble.

We run away from responsibilities and fold our arms when duty calls not knowing that what we don’t face today will face us tomorrow.

Thank God David did not run away from the lions and the bears he faced them. Little did he know that Goliath was coming. But then, the lessons learnt were not in vain.

Do we have archives of our experiences and dealings? Because life will demand them of us.

We labor secretly on our knees and yet we sin secretly, we then foolishly go around with the saying that the God who sees my secret sacrifice will reward me openly.

We have forgotten too soon that He's eyes run to and fro over the earth.
We have a forms of godliness but we deny the power thereof.

Enough of this game of carnality wrapped inside false spirituality. It will take us no where but the down part of the pit of hell.

Jesus is made unto us wisdom, embrace wholeheartedly this wisdom. Break loose from worldly wisdom, it will do nothing but immerse you in the flood of iniquity.




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