Human beings by nature have weaknesses. That’s why we need God, show me a man that is void of any weakness and I will show you a man who needs God for nothing.

Weaknesses are area of inadequacies in ones life which we all have, excluding none. Where the problem comes in is inability to identify these weaknesses or knowing them and pretending as if they are not there.

Taking eyes off them and in a bit to make up for them, we establish our own righteousness. We give excuses for our inabilities and explain away our failures.

We have one thousand and one reasons why we behave in a particular way or talk in a particular manner.

Have you ever heard words like: I love that sister but she talks too much, she doesn’t know how to talk at all, she has mouth diarrhea. I love that brother, he can preach very well but he is very lousy.

She does not have control over her anger, She can get angry anywhere, anyhow, any moment. She is ill mannered, he is a gossiper, he is too playful. He plays too much around women

When he talks, you can even smell pride all over him. He can sit with a movie from now till tomorrow, I wonder how he's managing he's Christian life. Yours might not be in the list.

The weakness of Moses prevented him from getting to the promise land, that of Samson made him perish with his enemies. Gehazi invited leprosy into his lineage because of his weakness. Don't allow your weakness to cripple your progress.

Being a captive of deception is deadly, but its deadlier when you are even the one deceiving yourself. But then, its so obvious these weaknesses are instrumental to our lack of productivity.

As Children of God, One bad character can destroy One thousand messages you have preached.

"When Character is in line with purpose, the future is clear"* – Tosin Adegoke.

Has anyone reached a point where he or she is saying, enough is enough, I can’t continue this way because It’s obvious you are decaying in character as the day go by and we will account for every time spent unwisely.

You have been trying through your own human calculation to put an end to this but all to no avail.

You even went to the extent of setting certain rules and standards for yourself, but na lie. At this point I want you to quickly remember Romans 7: 25.

Turn it over to God, release the grip you have over your life, let go and let Godshred the rules and standard and come up to the standard of your maker.*

Find scriptures that address these weaknesses and prayerfully put an end to them. Own up and let God have His way in your life. Let God release His own strength in place of those weaknesses and have faith that He is able.

Don’t forget that God is your only alternative and He won’t stop till you look just like him. Glory!



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