"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is high at hand." Joel 2:1

- "Every impression without expression would bring depression" - Tosin Adegoke
In his discussions with me sometimes ago, Bro. Tosin opened my eyes to the fact that the most powerful and fastest way to depression is failure to give expression to what the Lord is impressing upon ones heart per time.

Two things could be responsible for the lack of expression of God's ability in a man. It could either be inability to relate intelligibly with divine impressions or timidity.

*Listen dear, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7.*

*Blow The Trumpet*

Lay hold onto the reality of the above scriptures, it is time for you to express those dimensions of God in you. Remember, the world is waiting for your manifestation.

*By faith and our spirit we gain access to spiritual provisions and by our mouth we give expression to what God has imputed into us.*

Hence, we say a closed mouth is a closed destiny. Many have been caged for lack of utterance and  courage to give expression to what lies fallow within them.

*Our generation is full of men whose backbone has been removed and destiny overthrown by timidity and lack of inner strength to give maximum expression to what God has imputed into them.*

My heart was pricked when my own Bro. Ajisafe Olawale asked in the last face to face with God encampment that how many messages and impartations do we have to receive before we  arise for the transformation of our society...?

*You have listened to all the messages of great Apostles of our days, and you have even gone from one meeting to another in search of the release of more unction yet, you are still sitting and your mouth mute.*

What are you still waiting for? Why are you still sitting without action? Why are you at ease in Zion till now when your assignment and the required capacity has been released to you?

Arise, for it is time to blow the trumpet in Zion. The set time to sound an alarm in the holy mountain has come, so that men will hear and let go their evil ways and come into alignment with the will of God.

*"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20.*

The kingdom is within you and your mouth must be set on fire to reveal this kingdom to the dying world.

*You are a walking gospel, full of life and vibrancy, let out the fullness of Christ that is within you. Don’t be caged in your mind.*

This is my cry this season...Oh lord, set my life, my heart and my mouth on fire for you
for you Lord.




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