Sisters Diary 6.0

Sisters Diary 6.0 WHY ENJOY THE ATTENTION WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT READY TO COMMIT YOURSELF ============================= The brother asked you out, that we know, you gave him ‘NO' for an answer, that we also know. But why are you still giving him your attention like you don’t mean the ‘NO'? When you told him you needed to change your look, he gave you some amount of money, you collected the money, made a new style, snapped and sent to him to behold the glory. What exactly do you want, our dear sister? Why are you sitting on the fence? Are you confused? OK! The next time he saw you, he touched the hair and you reluctantly told him to stop. He invited you over to his house, you honored the invitation on the basis that he is just a friend. The unexpected happened and now you are crying. Brother, you have been in a relationship for 2 years in the south, you were posted to the east for service and you got hooked up in the net of another sister. You tried you...