
Showing posts from September, 2019


Theme: EMERGENCE OF SAVIOURS (The rising of Esther) Labels... *Humble enough to be made. *Exploits immeasurable. *Your rising will liberate many destinies. *************************** As I was preparing for this ministration, my eyes were opened, and in a Jeffrey I saw a chain on a straight line, knotted together at some strategic points, kept in the space by an invisible force. I pondered on this and I got the revelation of sisters arranged on a straight line, with the right hand of each on the shoulder of the next.  A formidable force built by women having the same goal, that the glory of God would cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. There was a knowing in my spirit that the space between a sister and the next is called TIME. Hmmm, time will tell. I have a message for a sister tonight, one word that I speak to one, I speak to all. There is something about you, something crying from within you that your generation will not forget...


FOLLOWING GOD'S WILL ====================== Lord, fill us with the knowledge of your will in all the wisdom and understanding that the spirit gives. Of what use is running around, exerting so much energy doing not what the will of the Lord is. The Spirit of God is the revealer of the will of God, that is why walking in the spirit and not in the flesh is a must for anyone who will birth heaven's demand. God measures the result we generate in accordance to His will. If God's will is not fulfilled, every effort exerted is nullified. So, really, its not how fast or how far you have ran, but how much of His will you have fulfilled. Its easy to run out of course when you don't prioritize God's direction per time. Our fruits will only abound unto righteousness when our zeal is the Lord's zeal. #ProvokegreatnessoutofusohGod ©️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


SLAY IN THE SPIRIT ================= An atmosphere of prayer is an atmosphere of God's presence, an atmosphere of God's presence is an atmosphere of power, an atmosphere where every impossibility becomes possible. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man makes power available, a man of prayer is a man of power. Really, no situation is beyond the Holy ghost. When the key to a door is given and the principle for the use of the key is revealed, you have undeniable access. Do you know where the problem is, we don't want to pray. An average lady is so consumed about her appearance, how to beautify the container, while the content is mere. An average man is concerned about result, but no attention is given to the process. See, the word of God puts all on the same pedestal, what the word says to one, it says to all. This kind cometh not forth but by prayer and fasting. There are some level of result you can never generate, but by the inst...


DEVIL IS AFRAID OF MEN WHOSE MOUTH CAN NEVER BE SHUT The devil is afraid of a consistent and persistent saint, he is afraid of the future of such because he knows that kingdom power will be accessed by a prayerful man. Consistency before the throne of God is the only process the devil cannot withstand. A church goer who prays once in a while or prays when challenges arise is never a problem to the devil. But, he will forever wage war against a consistent prayer addict. The rage of the enemy against our prayer life is an epic war. One that has always been and will be till Jesus comes.  Without kingdom power, we cannot dominate and rule like devil does not exist. Without a fiery prayer altar, power can't be made available. Intense prayer gives us access to divine revelations which will release the key for rulership. We can't afford to carry the Holyghost in us and yet be a prey to the devil. We arise to build our ruined prayer altar! We stay befor...


FAINT NOT ========= The bible says "men ought always to pray and not faint...", that is, when a man is not praying, he is definitely fainting.  A fainting man is at the mercy of circumstances surrounding him, he is oblivious of his destiny and he is receptive to anything life has to offer. See, a life may be collapsing, but not when grace shows up, definitely not when power shows up.  The bible says the prayer of a righteous man makes power available. Aayaah… a situation remains the same until a righteous man rises up to pray. Hubby shared a revelation with me and I want to share it with you: let it settle in your spirit that when you pray, let your prayer go vertical before going horizontal. Connect to heaven first, gain balance in the spirit as you pray in the spirit.  Don’t push forward the circumstances surrounding your life first, go to God with a hungry heart for Him and Him alone. Gain balance first, don’t worry, the Holy Spirit will g...


STAYING                            ======== You can't dwell under the shadow of the Almighty and not look like what you've been through. You reflect what you give your time to.  The prophesy hanging over our head must not end up in the dream, we must birth this divine realities and walk upon our high places. Refuse to not only be known for thousands of followers on Instagram and highest likes on Facebook, but dwarf in the spirit, at the mercy of the devil. Don't just be a man pleaser who is lazy to pray, but want to be relevant.  Relevance does not come by craving for the attention of men, but STAYING and building capacity. The time cometh that men will be in deer need of what you have, by then you won't need to call for them, they will throng you like they did to Jesus. Relevance is achievable, but the price is costly! We receive grace to stay and build capacity....


GRACE FOR OBEDIENCE Paul was a man of proven track record of obedience. It is recorded that he wanted to enter into Asia and Bithynia, but the Holyspirit forbad him and he obeyed instantly. No wonder when God needed a man to go to Macedonica, He beckoned on no other man but Paul. Obedience to instructions we call little might be what will quality us for a higher assignment. A higher assignment sometimes may mean going through thorns and God needs a man that will obey no matter the cross. Could it be that God was in need of the souls of Lydia and her household, likewise the souls of the jailer and his household and God needed just one man to send? If paul and his companion were not thrown into the prison, they would not have met the jailer talkless of getting him and his household saved. Equally note this, do you know its possible for Paul to have entered Asia and Bithynia as against the Spirit of God and preach without being thrown into prison? God had an assignment in...


HOPE AGAIN =========== Labels... *Radiance & Encompassing peace *Determination & Consistency *Supernatural Strength + Fireised life *Unashamed *********************************** I come to you in the name of the Lord oh thou woman and man of valour (for this is the you in you). I bring a message from on high, a light that swallows darkness and breaks to pieces the bar that holds you down. I see light enter into you. Receive it now. Every man has a past, even Jesus had some couple of experiences before He sat at the right hand of God (His death, His resurrection and then His glorification).  We have a High Priest who has been through our infirmities and because He is glorified, He is calling you to come out of every awkward past experience and enter into your glory. Jesus is our only hope, you have no hope of tomorrow outside of Christ, in fact, you are doomed and damned without Him.  Jesus's love beckons on you to open up you...

#Mrs T.A. #speaks

#Mrs T.A. #speaks You don't need to pull off your skirt to prove your love for a man, neither do you need to subject yourself to degrading treatment to make a man accept you. Your desperation to prove that you love him is a litmus test that you are not set right and the thoughts of your mind are not seasoned enough to make a wise decision. When a man sees that you are desperate, the best he can do is to sit in that unbecoming relationship and take advantage of you in a demeaning manner. The first step you need to take now is end that relationship, then go ahead and pour that desperation into your walk with God, desire spiritual growth, become a seasoned daughter of Zion. Let the word of God enter into your being and deal with every character that does not glorify the name of the Lord. Focus on how God will have you be a blessing to your generation. Receive wisdom and revelation and grow thereby. Believe you me, there are many brothers who by heaven...

Relationship Corner 8.0

Relationship Corner 8.0 Only a spirit-controlled man will say sorry to his wife and mean it, even when the fault isn't his. It takes a woman of quiet spirit to submit when her opinion is not bought. Not just doing this once in a while, but consistently.  There are many christian homes, but there are many inconsistent couples in many christian home. It takes consistency to maintain peace and serenity in our relationships.  Giving all, not because of what you want to get in return, but because we have life (ZOE) in us and lighten up everywhere. How will you be in the same house with an unhappy human and you are fine and minding your business? We are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, we draw and drink from the word of God daily, we do not live by bread alone. Joy in the Holy Ghost is a confirmation of His presence. Not just within you, it flows outward. "When joy is missing, the strength upon which your home moves will be ...


IS NOT LIFE MORE THAN FOOD AND THE BODY MORE THAN CLOTHES? By Adedire Tosin-Adegoke What drives you determines your result. Life is indeed more than food and the body more than raiment. Only a man who is alive can eat food and wear clothes. Seek earnestly that you will not die while living. Physical food is for the physical body, belly for food and food for the belly, both will be destroyed. When a man takes his last breath, he is buried and the physical body decays. Yet, many only take care of this physical body at the expense of their spirit man. A lady accepts to offer her body to get a job, so that she can have money to eat and buy clothes to take care of her body. She says she is under pressure and there is no one to help, so she decides to give the physical body preference. Now she has the job and have access to new clothes, but despite the fact that she can eat anything she wants, there is still a void in her soul, she feels empty, worthless, no sense of fulfillme...

No room for pity

No room for pity ============== I was in a particular place, it was raining heavily and through the window, I saw people under a shed, hiding away from the rain. Almost immediately, this message came. ************************** We must stay under God's own rain for us to be wet, until we are wet and soaked, we can't do the works of the kingdom effectively. When a man who got soaked under rain comes into the house, people usually pity him. Eeeyah, epele sir, why didn't you stay in a safe place till the rain ends? The safest place is under heaven's rain. It brings refreshing, calms an agitated spirit, humbles a man, and get a man wet enough to bless another. The process is not always easy, it's usually rigorous, but then rewarding. It takes those who are ready to pay sacrifice, to experience God tangibly. Give no room for pity, enjoy the process. It pays! ©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi


I HOPE YOU FIND ENCOURAGEMENT In the early hours of today, I was somehow low-spirited and I felt I didn’t have enough, I felt I was not doing well enough and that I needed so much help.  In the midst of this, the Holy Spirit started opening my eyes to the blessings I was insensitive to. Then, I started counting my blessings and before I could say Jack Robinson, I was all smiles. I had enough reasons to roll on the floor and roll out praises to the master planner of my life.  I am a blessed woman and a woman greatly helped by God, against all odds. God is faithful especially unto me. Right from my spirit, this song flowed: I believe, I believe, Lord, I believe, Lord, I believe. I believe everything the word of God says concerning me, I believe all the promises of God for me. I stay unmoved and unshaken. I am possible. Thank you Jesus, you are always with me. #ProvokegreatnessoutofusohGod ©️Juliet Adedire Adekanbi

My Innermost thoughts

My Innermost thoughts... While it rained 1week ago, I was in a particular location and I just kept musing as the rain poured, but suddenly my eyes got glued to an area on the grass field. It started making more meaning than meets the eye. I saw how that this particular area got filled to the brim, and it began to give to its surroundings. At exactly 1:10pm, I got this message. God wants us to be a colossal blessing to our environment and to our generational at large. He is interested in those who are after blessing others than receiving from others. Those who are ready to empty themselves in order to give room for the outpouring of heavenly rain. God wants to pour the rain, but on empty and ready vessels. As I was in this state, a particular song flowed from my spirit: fill me up till I overflow, I want to run over, I want to run over. I don't want my existence to constitute disaster in my generation, rather that through me, lives will be blessed. Lord, help us to r...

Sisters Diary 9.0

Sisters Diary 9.0 BEYOND THE FUN (Part 2) ===================== The devil is not after your virginity, he is after your eternal destiny. He knows that one thing will lead to that very thing that will stop the manifestation of your glory. So, he is carefully launching out his attack. Have you ever wondered why that guy shows up any time you are badly in need of money?  That is not a coincidence, it is called scheming! Some people fell once and they have not recovered from the damage.  Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, God is Spirit, He cannot do anything on earth without your body. That body must be kept Holy for Him alone.  Never think you can tie down a man with pregnancy. Some men don't even mind impregnating more than one lady and marrying all of them together.  Some will even tell all of them to go and abort. I know that is not what you want for yourself. Beyond the fun are grievous consequences. Some die in the pr...

Sisters Diary 8.0

Sisters Diary 8.0 BEYOND THE FUN (Part 1)  ==================== A man can sleep with you and after rising from bed develop chronic hatred for you. In fact, a man can sleep with you without loving you. He doesn't need to.  He can enjoy the feel of your body, touch your breast, suck life out of it and fondle with your vulva and leave you weak and wanting more, yet without loving you.  In fact, your name is not even on the top 5 list of the girls he is messing with.  Come to think of it, why will you offer your body on a platter of gold to a man who promises to marry you when he comes back from Canada.  He said he loves you and promise to marry you after his university education and that you should tie yourself down with a fake covenant while sex goes on incessantly in preparation for the D-day.  Dear young girl/lady, don't fall into this trap. It is one of the tactics of the devil to steal away the glory ahead.  The ...


A WOMAN OF ENVIABLE CHARACTER Labels… *Healthy self-esteem and Holy Ghost-empowered confidence, *Fear of God and Sensitivity, *Respect and Honour. ***************************** “How hard it is to find a woman of strong character! She is worth far more than jewels”. AAV (Proverbs 31: 10). No quality of perfume can cover the odour that oozes from a woman with rotten character. It is very disgusting, meanwhile, she's gorgeously made by God. That great look on the outward part will call for more men to see and perceive the rottenness within. What a disaster! Though her beauty attracts, her character distracts. If you take a step closer to such individual, you will take ten thousand steps backward because of her unbearable and ugly way of life. All manner of hopeless situations including dead cases answer to the prayers of the anointed. But a woman with ugly character who can heal? Character is the sum total of a woman, and most importantly, it determines the lif...


RETURNING TO YOUR FACTORY SETTING  I abandoned my tablet for a long time, while using another phone. So, I decided to give it out. I restored the phone back to factory setting to offload it and for proper functioning.  I loaded it with so many things higher than the ram could help, which made it respond sluggishly. When the phone came alive, it displayed the wallpaper I saw the first day I held it.  I saw the default applications, it displayed a level of beauty that caught my attention.  It brought back memories of the happiness and utmost excitement I had when it newly came.  I actually held it newly on my 23rd birthday. I felt like not giving it out. Almost immediately, it dawned on me how we will never enjoy the life we live until it is restored back to factory setting. Beware that the manufacturer had an intent, you were created intentionally.  You might have modified your life in opposite direction to your ma...

Sister's Diary 7.0

Sister's Diary 7.0 OK! So, he is your friend and you spend half of your day playing with him, and this you do severally, it has turned to your everyday practice, what kind of play please? I desperately want to know. Even without touching you, you have presented yourself as cheap. Anything that takes your time takes your life. I know you are thinking already that I am over stretching this. Can’t we play in peace? What I am expressly passing across is exactly what you have read, time is life, set your priorities right, we will see it in your decisions and choices. I know he is your friend, but let him know you as someone who values time, a disciplined lady, not someone anyone can have around at anytime. You can't be always available and yet be productive. Anyone who controls your time controls your life. We have too many things to get done within a short period of time. Be a good manager of time. He is your friend and you play so much that he spanks you on your bu...

Relationship Corner 7.0

Relationship Corner 7.0 I still remember vividly how I had always wished that Damilola Mike-Bamiloye would see me in his dream.  Each time I saw a Mount Zion movie then, I get the message of the movie which is always spiritually enriching, but I also had this Damilola's thought in my head.  Imagine Damilola coming to Ondo State in search of me. I wished God would just give him specific information about me to him, my name, my location, my physical description and all sort.  I wouldn't have bordered to pray, my head 'don' better be that, I had great interest in drama then. One plus one will just become one 'sharperly', no wasting of time.  Fast-forward many years later, if he comes now to propose to me, like an open check, you know what I mean, I will never give an affirmative response. I have grown to understand that marriage is beyond getting hooked up with a celebrity; marriage is beyond fantasizing and unreasonable imagination. ...