
Showing posts from July, 2020

Perequisites For God's Direction

Perequisites For God's Direction As believers, we are an extension of God's kingdom here on earth. We are here to establish His will. "Thy will be done on earth, even as it is in even." (Mathew 6:10) The bible says that the path of the righteous is as a shinning light, shining brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. The righteous journeys on straight paths, full of Light. The bible says that God is Light and in Him is no darkness. So, Light marks the righteous. Who are the righteous? The believers. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We exist to shine the Light of Christ everywhere we go. We exist to do the will of the Father, not our own plans. God made us for His pleasure. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." (Revelations 4:11). If only believers will take in this truth and live in this reality, we...

Becoming a Woman of Godly Character

Becoming a Woman of Godly Character  Character is powerful! Your character defines you and speaks volumes about you, even in your absence. It is one of the most important things that we have, we must invest positively in it. Romans 5:3-5 – “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces ENDURANCE, and endurance produces CHARACTER, and character produces HOPE, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the HOLY SPIRIT who has been given to us." Jesus already told us that we will face trials and temptations. Our sufferings will produce endurance. I want to ask you, what are you going through presently? what are the challenges posing threat to your faith? What are the situations provoking you to compromise? What do you want that you don't have that want to make you run to the world and run back to faith? I bring the word of the Lord to you, please ENDURE. It is just f...


THE VALUE-ADDED LIFE (4) If the student reads for 4 hours, then the teacher should be prepared for 6 hours or more. The teacher should not just sit in one place, complacent about growth and self development. People will listen to you because of the value you have to offer and will move away the day you stop delivering value.  Thus, adding value to your world calls for diligence and taking responsibility for your growth.  You must be ready to vacate your comfort zone. Get ready to be stretched. Adding value to your world is not a lazy man's job. To keep ahead of others, you need to go extra mile, you need to add extra oil. After you have done all, you need to locate that one more thing needed to be done.  A step higher, that is just it, that one more step is what is keeping so many people in the same spot. They prefer to stop where every other person stops.  Reading is a hobby for great people. A saying goes thus: Readers are leaders....


THE VALUE-ADDED LIFE (3) Many times we try to add to others values that we are yet to master. Often times, this is born out of our ambition to affect lives positively. Ambition in itself is not bad. But we shouldn't get married to our ambitions irrespective of God's will for us. Yes, God doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies the called. When the grace of God draws a man or a man founds grace, it makes you aware of your state of life, then offers you a higher dimension of life, ability to overcome those weakness you couldn't overcome in your human strength. What is grace? Grace is God's divine enabling and empowering on a man's life to do what otherwise he cannot do. Grace will not enable you to be a blessing to others in those areas you are struggling with. Grace will rather lift us up from our weaknesses to meet up with God's holy demands. A man who has not overcome anger cannot help another man overcome such weakness. Yo...


This Song🤔 I have decided to follow Jesus  I have decided to follow Jesus  I have decided to follow Jesus  No turning back, No turning back. I believe many believers sing this above song solemnly, with their eyes closed and their hands raised, but yet do not understand what it means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus. A disciple is foremost born again, a believer who has made the decision to take upon his neck the yoke of the Lord, a believer who has submitted himself to learn of Christ, His ways. A disciple is a believer who submits to the Father's chastening and see every situation God permits in his life as an instrument to make him conform to the image of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren." Roman's 8:29. A disciple is a believer who sees his goal as being conformed to God's image, in nature, ...


Be Sold Out To God🤗 The psalmist wrote: I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 63:4. Meditate upon this bible verse👆 This ought to be our life as believers. The prove that we have indeed appropriated the finished work of Christ is that we live for Him.  If indeed we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus unto life, then we are also raised to life with Him and we live to express the life of Christ.  Because the same spirit that raised up Jesus from death dwells in our mortal bodies and that same spirit quickens us to express the life of Christ.  As godly women, we should not settle to be just  like any other Christian, we should rather seek to be distinct and different. We should not be comfortable being a nominal Christian.  God has blessed us with all that pertains unto life and godliness. We are blessed. We have His Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, He is not th...


ABSOLUTELY SURRENDERED Yieldedness + God's fullness Revelation of God's will + The Spirit's help God's demand of believers = Zero flesh ---------------------------------------------------------- Absolute means total, complete Surrender means laying down, submitting, yielding to an influence.  Absolute surrender is the ministration of the believers unto the Lord.  Separating totally to God's will and His purposes on earth, not after self, but God and His glory revealed to men, this is a password to the heart of the Father.  The password to the heart of the father cannot be hacked by the flesh. The Holy Spirit takes you on the ride.  Absolute surrender is God's demand of every believer. He commands it, He deserves it and accepts it.  The plants, the sun, the moon, all God's creation, bow before God in utmost surrender. Let's look at the lily. When God clothes the lily with its beauty, is it not yielded up, surren...


THE VALUE-ADDED LIFE (2) As opined in the previous part, an anointing you despise cannot bless you. It will bless everyone around you, but you. Honour attracts anointing to flow in your direction and meet your needs.  Genuine honour flows from a heart full of God's love.  Honour and celebrate those who have paid the price to be a blessing you in all areas.  I want to dwell more on mental slavery in this post and genuine love brings us out of this prison.  Many people are locked up in the prison of their mind. Because of their mindset, they are limited and unproductive and unfulfilled. Envy and jealousy are fruits of the flesh that must vacate the heart of everyone who desires to add value to others. It takes love to minister to others and truly bless them. The heart of men responds to love. Your motive must be pure. Do you indeed want to serve or you only want the glamour of an impact maker? It takes love to receive of the Father...