As opined in the previous part, an anointing you despise cannot bless you. It will bless everyone around you, but you. Honour attracts anointing to flow in your direction and meet your needs. 

Genuine honour flows from a heart full of God's love. 

Honour and celebrate those who have paid the price to be a blessing you in all areas. 

I want to dwell more on mental slavery in this post and genuine love brings us out of this prison. 

Many people are locked up in the prison of their mind. Because of their mindset, they are limited and unproductive and unfulfilled.

Envy and jealousy are fruits of the flesh that must vacate the heart of everyone who desires to add value to others.

It takes love to minister to others and truly bless them. The heart of men responds to love. Your motive must be pure. Do you indeed want to serve or you only want the glamour of an impact maker?

It takes love to receive of the Father to bless lives. 

We can't afford to be jealous and envy people adding value to others to the extent that we sometimes wish something will happen to them that will make them unable to do what they do, and yet, we also want to be a blessing to others.

In fact, some will even see a material that will bless them and just ignore because they know the past of the minister. The past is past, you need to celebrate the new person that exist with open heart. 

Many times, we don't know what we do to ourselves, when we get caught up in this kind of web. You only end up limiting yourself and prevent yourself from becoming all that God wants you to become. 

This kind of mindset points to shallow understanding of God's word. When the love of God invades your heart, you will begin to see everyone the way God sees them. 

"For you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?" (1 Cor 3:3).

Something must happen to our heart, unbrokenness must give way, flesh must die, competitive spirit must die.

When you see people doing terrible things in righteousness, and the first thing that comes to your mind is wanting to know how old the person is, to decide whether to honour or not, something is wrong o. 

"Sin must not be your master; for you do not live under law but under God's grace." Roman's 6:14

Let's examine our heart and get on the track. When the love of God rules our hearts, adding value to others become easy. 

God checks the heart of men, if indeed you have love for the brethren.

 "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:12

Love conquers selfishness, our love shows God's power, and our Christian work requires love. 

Love is God's gift. The greatest assignment of the Holy Spirit is to infuse love into us, love for God and love for the brethren. This is the greatest commandment of God. 

Every other things should ride on the wings of love. 

I tell you, when love invades you, you won't just be striving in the flesh to impress, but the Spirit of the Lord will quicken you and the Holy Spirit will carry you. 

Oh God, we ask for a fresh baptism of Love.

I call you blessed! 


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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