Be Sold Out To GodπŸ€—

The psalmist wrote: I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. Psalm 63:4.

Meditate upon this bible verseπŸ‘†

This ought to be our life as believers.

The prove that we have indeed appropriated the finished work of Christ is that we live for Him. 

If indeed we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus unto life, then we are also raised to life with Him and we live to express the life of Christ. 

Because the same spirit that raised up Jesus from death dwells in our mortal bodies and that same spirit quickens us to express the life of Christ. 

As godly women, we should not settle to be just  like any other Christian, we should rather seek to be distinct and different. We should not be comfortable being a nominal Christian. 

God has blessed us with all that pertains unto life and godliness. We are blessed. We have His Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, He is not the third because He is the least, but because He is the last to be revealed to us on the pages of the scriptures. 

At new birth, we have the Spirit coming into us to terbanacle, which means, all of the grandeur, all of the power, all of the beauty, all of the glory to God resides within you. Yes!  The presence of His Spirit in you makes all available.

To the intent that we may be unbeatable representative of God on earth. Yes!  We are here to legislate on His behave. God cannot do anything on earth without you and I. God needs you. Woman, God needs you. 

In that class, in your family, in that street, in your neighbourhood, in that community, He needs you, yes you. Don't look back, I am talking to you. 

Heaven is in need of women who will surrender themselves to be envoys of the kingdom, solution bearers, nation builders.

But we can't become this if we are not rooted in Him, our root must go deep down, we must gain stamina in Him. If you will be a great help to your generation, you must be greatly helped by the Lord.

We must desire God with every fibre in us, we must long for Him, He alone can satisfy the longing of our soul. 

We must seek to know God, we must seek to fellowship with Him, we must love Him more than life itself. Really, what is life without Him, He alone can give meaning to our lives. 

For us to be women sold out to God, we must have the mind of God. You know what, the mind is greater than any and all computers, because it can possess the mind of Christ and think God's thoughts after Him, hear His heart and do His works. 

Our mind must be renewed!

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2.

The godly woman's discipline of the mind is achieved  through a serious and continual exposure to God's word.

You can't be influenced by what you don't know, if it has not influenced you, it can't influence others. We must know the word. Have the word of God on the table of our heart. 

Then, it will reflect in our relationship with others, in our career, in our homes. 

Prayerfully studying God's word open us up to divine revelations, takes us beyond  the letters, we get to feed on the juicy aspects, the word for us, the word for the now. We are built, we have an experiential knowledge of the word. 

Yes, the word of God is able to build and sanctify us. We will start seeing every situation and judging every matter via the eye of God's word. We are changed, our perspectives change. The word of God breaks and melt every stony heart to conform to His. 

This is the very first step, great women. Our mind must be changed, renewed, reconfigured to embrace the will of God for us and our generation.

Only a renewed mind can stay content with the will of God, even when it doesn't appeal to human senses. 

Our human mind is crippled unless it embraces the mind of Christ. Paul knew the gravity of this when he wrote in Philippians 2:5. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus". A mind yielded to God in all things. A mind that is after God, nothing else matters. 

Every effort you ever make in running the course of God, without the mind of Christ will land you nowhere. 

Submit your mind to the divine programmer for divine programming!

You may wonder why I am emphasising so much on the mind. Let's see this scriptures. 

"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he... " Psalm 23:7.

"Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life". Psalm 4:23.

Whatever you will become is first established in the mind, before it becomes a reality. So, such a power house must not be contaminated. 

Woman, your mind is powerful, feed it well with God's word. We have the Spirit in us to the intent that we may become the friend of God. 

Let's 'become' by exposing our life to the flame of God's word. It will press, crush, break, mold, renew, shape and position us for exploit. 

Go home with this scripture:

"Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29.

Can we begin to pray in the Holy Ghost! 

Speak mysteries! 

I give myself to the word

I drink the word

I eat the word

I am not a spectator in God's agenda

I join the train of warriors and vessels of honour. 

I am not weak and beggarly. 

I am sold out to God. 

I call you blessed!


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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