Yieldedness + God's fullness
Revelation of God's will + The Spirit's help
God's demand of believers = Zero flesh


Absolute means total, complete
Surrender means laying down, submitting, yielding to an influence. 

Absolute surrender is the ministration of the believers unto the Lord. 

Separating totally to God's will and His purposes on earth, not after self, but God and His glory revealed to men, this is a password to the heart of the Father. 

The password to the heart of the father cannot be hacked by the flesh. The Holy Spirit takes you on the ride. 

Absolute surrender is God's demand of every believer. He commands it, He deserves it and accepts it. 

The plants, the sun, the moon, all God's creation, bow before God in utmost surrender. Let's look at the lily. When God clothes the lily with its beauty, is it not yielded up, surrendered, and given over to God as He works into it it's beauty, how much more humans created in God's image. 

God desires to communicate His mind to us, but the lack of absolute surrender is what hinders God.

Surrendering just a part of us and keeping some back is not what God demands, but our totality, our all, reserving nothing. 

When we give all to Him, He will work His beauty in us, the beauty that flesh cannot project, but only the Spirit carries. 

With our face bowed down before Him, crying deeply for His help, (for every work we do in the flesh amounts to death), casting the flesh at His feet and receiving the Spirit's help. 

God is not interested in we working for Him without the Spirit's help, it a journey into frustration and a fruitless one as well. 

As believers, Instead of asking God to bless our own plans, we should refuse to go unless He goes before us. If it's not His will, it's definitely not our deal. 

How God longs to reveal to us His will and also supply the strength and the wisdom to work for Him, but many a times we get carried away with the glamour and neglect the heart of the matter, ABSOLUTE SURRENDER. 

Fulfilling God's will on earth is so deep, that if God's Spirit does not carry you and lead you in the path of righteousness, you will only end up fulfilling our own plans and working for men.

Martha was cumbered with so many things, she had the desire to please the father, but she went about it using her physical strength and limited knowledge, her lack of faith in the father revealed that she was not absolutely surrendered.

Indeed, there is no good in the flesh, it leads to nothing, but death. 

Mary sat at the feet of the Father, learning in humility, seeking the knowledge of God, yielding her body, soul and Spirit to the Spirit's help. 

It was said of her that she found the right path and it will never be taken away from her.

Fellowshipping with God everyday in His word and prayer and loving His presence more than the stage, fame, glamour is a life of complete surrender. 

It's not about the multitude of assignments and activities, it's not about being zealous, what really counts is the extent to which we are yielded to God's will in everything.

How yielded you are determines the extent to which you see His glory manifest through you. 

Woman, what is your testimony? 

In the pursuit of God, those who will truly encounter God and His fire, those who will fulfil God's will are those who yield their all to the master. 

What is done in God's will, God's strength will not be withheld from it.

God is not just interested in the volume of assignment we are able to accomplish, His interest first is in your life, before His service. 

He is interested first in your life, your inner life. He wants to purge you of the flesh, purge you from inside and work into you His will. 

God expects your surrender, He also accomplishes your surrender, He accepts it and maintains it. 

"For it is God who worketh in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure"

He loves you and desires you to come as you are.

Many people draw back from surrendering all, because they are afraid of the commitments and demands that are attached. 

Relax and come as you are, the demands are not depending on your human strength, but the supernatural strength of God. 

Whoever He draws, He strengthens. The power of the Spirit will invade you and take you over. It's such a joyous ride. 

Are you ready? God bid you come. Make this solemn declarations:

I give myself absolutely to you God, I yield to your will

Thy will oh God is my desire, do with me what pleases you. 

Work in me every moment of the day, lead me and reveal your will to me. 

Make me what you want me to be. I seek nothing lesser than this. 

Make me a woman after your own heart. 

Help me Holy Spirit. 


I call you blessed! 

Golden Nuggets

πŸ“The password to the heart of the Father is your absolute surrender to His will perpetually.

πŸ“It takes yieldedness to the influence of the Holy Spirit for anyone to attain such level of absolute surrender. 

πŸ“God detest your divided attention, He wants your total attention. Submit to Him. 

πŸ“To give full expression to the best of version of God in you, you must surrender your all to Him.

πŸ“How yielded you are determines the extent to which you will see His glory manifest through you. 


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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