Many times we try to add to others values that we are yet to master.

Often times, this is born out of our ambition to affect lives positively. Ambition in itself is not bad. But we shouldn't get married to our ambitions irrespective of God's will for us.

Yes, God doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies the called. When the grace of God draws a man or a man founds grace, it makes you aware of your state of life, then offers you a higher dimension of life, ability to overcome those weakness you couldn't overcome in your human strength.

What is grace? Grace is God's divine enabling and empowering on a man's life to do what otherwise he cannot do.

Grace will not enable you to be a blessing to others in those areas you are struggling with. Grace will rather lift us up from our weaknesses to meet up with God's holy demands.

A man who has not overcome anger cannot help another man overcome such weakness. You gerrit?

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." Titus 2: 11-12.

Don't be stagnant in your walk with God, be taught, the grace teaches, the word of God teaches, be taught, let the word of God permeate your being, expose your life to the fire of God's word, be renewed, be empowered.

Don't just be so consumed with being a blessing to others that you pay no attention to your own walk with God.

Adding value to others is great, but then our contributions should be an outflow of the life we live and our dealings in the secret place, not just a polished work to gain the accolades of men.

Hardwork may take us to the top, but it's takes character to maintain it.

Our character disposition is a reflection of how submissive we are to God's word and extent to which we allow the word to rule our hearts.

Conclusively, adding value to others begins with you.


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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