THE VALUE-ADDED LIFE (1) One beautiful thing is, there is no age or level you are that you cannot start to add value to yourself. It's only a matter of a paradigm shift in your thinking. What keeps people from adding value is the state of their mind. So, prior to living a better life than you have now is sanity of the mind. Sanity of the mind because a man will perpetually remain in his current state of living until he embraces an ideology that is superior to his current state. What I mean is any notable change that will be palpable by your generation begins from the mind. If you do not appreciate those who have sacrificed one thing or the other, their time, energy, money, pleasure, ambitions to follow a righteous course and to perpetually be a blessing to others despite all odds, you will never one day bless anyone. I want you to know that they paid the price to add value to themselves, not just to make a name, not just for selfish g...