
The Oil of Joy + A Garment of Praise None of you + More of God
Submission + The Crown of Beauty 


I stood at the end of the cliff, the whole of my small life played before my very eyes. 

Everything I had believed and lived for, crumbled in a twinkle of an eye. I thought I had a life. 

I called it a small life because it was in itself no life. Why go forward if the same cycle of experience will go on and on. 

So, I decided to end it all. Why should I stay here when I have nothing to live for. 

I spread my wings and I jumped, I released the life I had held unto all my meaningless life. 

Where the confidence came from, I never knew. But I had come to the end of myself. 

I couldn't help myself, so I rather let go. I didn't know where this was leading me, but I cared less.

As I jumped, a hand held me, I looked up and I saw a man in dazzling light. I felt a peace I never felt before. 

For the very first time, I had a sense of belonging. I touched my tribe. I found my place in Him. 

He said to me: I give unto you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. 

I never knew that there was so much strength in letting go, letting go of a low life for a higher life. 

The birth of a new me, ashes into beauty!


Ayah!🔥Until we come to the end of ourselves, our beauty can not be revealed. Don't cover up the ashes, embrace the true beauty. 

I know a woman who had been a nobody, no relevance. Her name is Ruth. She had a great destiny to fulfil, but her background was a barrier. 

A demand was placed upon her destiny, but her lineage was a disadvantage to her. 

Certain occurrences happened in her life, unforeseen circumstances, and the life she had built for herself ended abruptly. She felt naked and exposed.

For many women, they would prefer to live in obscurity, feel less of themselves and opionate that nothing good can come out of them again. This is pride in a way. It is not humility. 

Only God can cover your nakedness. He will cover you up with His blanket of righteousness, inner peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Ruth took a step further, she joined herself to the people of God. She humbled herself. The Living God became her God. 

She became engrossed in service to her God and God did with her life what He would do with every available vessel. 

I tell you woman, availability is your greatest ability.

If you can't give up the small results you have now, God's beauty cannot find expression through you.

Death is the pathway to life. It takes a dead man to reveal God's glory. 

Dear woman, you are made for more. This is not all there is to you. 

Your existence will by every means bless lives If you totally surrender yourself to God, by believing in Jesus.


Meditate on this: Isaiah 61:4

"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated, they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations."

👆This is a message for someone.


It doesn't matter if your lineage has been barren of greatness. You are the trailblazer, the pacesetter and the record breaker. It can start with you.

Abraham was the first in his family, Esther was also the first in her family, likewise Ruth, Jephthah, Deborah, David. They broke the norm, and took a step of faith. What are you waiting for? 

Kai! God is helping a woman greatly this day. I am here by the power of the Spirit to provoke something uncommon in you, a yearning, a desire for more. 

Hunger and thirst is the key to engage God and access 'the more' that is in Him.

You might have read through all the Spirit breathed articles since Thursday, but if there is no hunger within, it will be like a usual meeting.

Ruth stepped out of her ugly past and background and associated herself with a woman from a lineage that carried 'The blessing.'

By the time Boaz saw her, he saw a transformed woman, he saw beauty in place of ashes. 

Ruth begat Obed, Obed begat Jesse, Jesse begat David and Jesus came from the line of David. Ruth became a notable contributor in the lineage of the Saviour of the world. 

Could it be that a simple woman in a particular town had a great call upon her life but she was unaware of it?

All she saw of herself was a widow who had nothing more to live for. All she saw was her ashes. 

She had a good life to her understanding, until her husband  died. 

She saw her emptiness, all she actually had was her home, her husband, but all came to an end.

She was oblivious of what was to come, but God was aware. Hallelujah! 

Nothing that pertains to you is ever lost on God. He sees the night hour tears. He knows what you are passing through and He is interested in you. 

Whatever you have passed through or passing through can never stop His love for you.

So, God caused a divine orchestration, just like you have been divinely brought here tonight, you are not here by accident. It's intentional. God is intentional about you. 

God is giving you beauty for ashes! Right now, you need to humbly go before your Creator for help...

Jesus is the way, the truth and life. He has come that He may give you life, and life in abundance. 

His arms are wide open to receive you. The angels in heaven are rejoicing already.

Yes, the birth of an ardent lover, record breaker, a defender of faith.

From now submit to God. As you give yourself to the ministry of the word and prayer, you will experience a shift. 

Those who knew you yesterday will not recognize you again, because as we behold Him, we are being changed into the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord. 

What beauty can be more than this? 

Fire Tonics

✍️After a burning, it is expedient you let go the ashes for a fresh flame to emerge. For your beauty, you must lay down your ashes.

✍️Openness is key. Only God can cover your nakedness, you cannot hide from God and get the best of God for you.

✍️ You must submit fully to God to reveal the true beauty in you. Availability is your greatest ability. 

✍️ If you attach much importance to your ashes that you cannot present it to God, then, God's beauty cannot find expression in you and through you. 

✍️ You are made for more, surrender your all to access the all of God for you.

✍️The none of you, the more of God.


®️ Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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