
"Build on a sure foundation"

"If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do"? 

The foundation of a relationship/marriage is the ground upon which it is built, the ideology that provokes it's operations. 

"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" I Cor. 3:11.

The foundation of a house determines it's longetivity. A faulty foundation can claim the lives of those inhabiting such house. It is important that attention is given to this, to avert disastrous ending. 

We have heard cases of marriages that did not last two months, even two weeks. Yet, they claimed they loved each other, but within two weeks the love disappeared. Where is Christ in this?

The foundation you are laying is very important, don't use fake materials because you are in a rush to move in, or because you want to impress others, a gigantic building cannot stand on a shallow foundation, don't fake it. 

This is not the plan of God for marriage. If you want to know the divine agenda of God for marriage, you need to place faith in Christ Jesus through whom access to the Father is guaranteed.

Stop running around, sit and learn of God's ways. Study to show yourself approved. Pay the price of studying! Know what your Heavenly Father wants for you. Pray,  my sister, pray, my brother. Don't be carried away by what the eyes can see, the eyes of your heart/spirit must be flooded with light.

There is more to what your physical eyes and mental judgement can capture. Many are failing, the sweetheart they began with later turned to the headache they managed till they gave up the ghost. 

The HolySpirit still guides, prioritize His will for you, submit totally to His instructions.

Every other relationships should be an outflow of your relationship with God. 


©️Adedire T. Adegoke


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