
*Character and confidence
*Humility and responsibility


She stepped into the palace and bowed her knees to greet Hegai. Hegai was amazed as that was unusual of ladies in her set. 

She won Hegai's favour straight away and got the best chamber to herself. Beauty and character, just in one woman, Hegai wondered. 


We live in a sensual world where most people focus majorly on what the eyes can see, which are temporal and evaporates quickly, such is the pulchritude of a woman. 

There is actually nothing wrong in a woman being physically beautiful, but beauty is lost when brokenness is missing. An unbroken woman is a potential element for a broken home. 

Any brother that ask for their hands in marriage has only hired a bulldozer that will scatter what they've built in years. 

When you look at their face, you smile, but when you look at their character you cry uncontrollably, because the beauty without has been rendered null and void by the ugliness oozing out of their character. 

They are beautiful, but remain unbendable. They appear facially beautiful like Vashti, but deep within them is the Jezebel waiting to take over the thrown from their Ahab. 

They look portable and presentable, but they are not usable, any man who goes for them has only purchased liability, never an asset, because their character is detestable. 

Brothers, don't go there, they are bad market. They attract the King to themselves, but have nothing to retain them. 

This is not the kind of woman needed for such a time as this, they lack solutions to problems. 

As I began to pray about this meeting, as I set my face like a flint in the Spirit, God dropped these words into my spirit.

Rend your heart, woman and follow throughπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Show me a broken woman, and I will show you a medium of transfer of God's power

Yieldedness is the heart of service! 

God does not manipulate, He doesn't force Himself on people. His arms are stretched out to surrendered vessels.

A broken vessel is a conduit of joy, peace and increase to her world. A man who finds her has found the favour of the Lord.

A broken woman is SPIRIT-FILLED
A broken woman is TEACHABLE! 
A broken woman is HUMBLE! 
A broken woman is RESPONSIBLE! 
A broken woman is KINDHEARTED!
A broken woman is HOSPITABLE!
A broken woman is HOMELY!
A broken woman is RESPECTFUL!
A broken woman is CONFIDENT IN GOD! 

These qualities don't just jump on people. 

Brokenness is a PROCESS

As you take time to take care of your physical appearance and you are shinning, there are testable and practical ways to also build your character. 

Nothing can be broken without hitting, crushing and beating, it takes consistent effort for a woman to attain the level of brokenness for timeless impact.

Man is a spirit, He has a soul and dwells in the body. When we talk about the physical beauty, it's of the body, and that is why you can't be defined by your external appearance because that is not the real you, the real you is the you within. The body is a mere container. 

You may be asking, how can I be broken? 

Brokenness cannot be achieved by mere self determination because at slightest provocation, the unbroken you will be revealed. It will be difficult for an unbroken woman to break herself off it.

Complete and genuine brokenness only takes place by the help of the Holy Spirit which we receive at new birth. 

As we yield to the Spirit of God, the HolySpirit helps to make a new wine out of us, as it is impossible to pour a new wine into an old wine skin. 

As we expose ourselves to the fire of God's word, our soul is refined and the aftermath of this is genuine brokenness (death to the flesh).  

This is a result of a type of death in which our reliance on our flesh is exchanged for reliance on Christ in us, not only as our Savior and Lord, but our Life. 

"Is not my word like as a fire? sayeth the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? " Jer 23:29. AyahπŸ”₯

It is the genuine exposure of our life to the flame of God's word that can melt the heart of any one and bring out the inner beauty that lies within them.

A broken woman puts her trust in God, which births a genuine prayer and fellowship life. As we behold Him, we look like Him and express His life. 

Sister, nothing is as beautiful as the beauty that lies within you. Embrace it and you will become the best VERSION of God. 


Are you aware that the blessedness of being broken are enormous? When beauty collides with brokenness, greatness is certain. For He giveth grace to the humble and He resists the proud.

Brokenness is the ground for multiplicity and transgenerational impact. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24.

I hope you also know that by this two remarkable qualities, an enviable home is built. And when homes are solidly built nations of the world will experience peace and increase.

Power Points

-A woman remains unbeatable when her beauty is embellished with brokenness.

-A woman that is broken and beautiful is irresistible, don't struggle to be known.

-A beautiful woman attracts the attention of great people and by her brokenness she retains them. 

-The utmost need for such a time as this is the emergence of women who are beautiful and yet  broken.


Make us your vessels, oh God!

Bring new wine out of us! 

Make us whatever you want us to be!

I call you blessed!

®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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