One beautiful thing is, there is no age or level you are that you cannot start to add value to yourself. It's only a matter of a paradigm shift in your thinking. 

What keeps people from adding value is the state of their mind. So, prior to living a better life than you have now is sanity of the mind. 

Sanity of the mind because a man will perpetually remain in his current state of living until he embraces an ideology that is superior to his current state. 

What I mean is any notable change that will be palpable by your generation begins from the mind.

If you do not appreciate those who have sacrificed one thing or the other, their time, energy, money, pleasure, ambitions to follow a righteous course and to perpetually be a blessing to others despite all odds, you will never one day bless anyone. 

I want you to know that they paid the price to add value to themselves, not just to make a name, not just for selfish gain, but to genuinely bless others, of which you are one. Appreciate them and honour the sacrifice they have made and still making. 

For many of them, it took a lot of courage and spiritual dealing to gather the muscle to do what they are doing. Many had it tough breaking away from their past, and by the power of the Spirit they are where they are now.

They are not super humans, but men who had nothing, but gave their nothing to God and God brought something out of their nothing. Oh, our journey is different. I want you to know that we all know where we came from and grateful to God because He alone makes the difference.

OK! Let's move on, going somewhere.

One thing, I have realized, and I know it's in vogue is that, instead of appreciating these gifts, many resolve to envy, jealous and hate others for being a blessing. They secretly wish to be like them, but their high mind is too shallow to give honour and celebrate grace. This is a mental slavery, break from it. 

Ayah! If horses were wishes...

What you don't appreciate, you can never become. What you don't desire, you can never have. 

This your mindset is not glorifying God in anyway and manner. It will only limit you, don't limit yourself. God or the devil is not the one limiting you, you are.

Adding value to yourself starts with appreciating those ahead of you, not necessarily because they are older than you, but because they got it right earlier than you.

We are not here to compete, but to complement one another, so give space for one another and allow others to grow.

We are to thank God always, but then we also need to celebrate men, because God uses men. God can do nothing on earth without a man. In every generation, He seeks for men who will stand as the channel for the fulfillment of His will on earth. 

So, break free from the slave mindset, sanitize your mind and make room for appreciating every man and woman who has paid the price and those who are still in the process. Don't reserve your words of encouragement, let it flow.

"A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!" Psalm 15:23

I call you blessed!


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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