

The veil is a net with which the face of the bride is covered on the wedding day. The veil is only needed on the wedding day, it doesn't go beyond that day. The covering of the bride on the d day is a customary process a bride goes through.

There may be more than one significance for the opening of veil on the wedding day. For me, it is the crossing over from courtship to marriage. When the groom opens up the veil to behold the bride, new realities are opened up unto them. 

Beyond, the veil are the realities of marriage, the way of life and the operations in marriage.

Let me quickly drive home this point, what is obtainable in marriage depends on the relationship of the individuals involved with God on a personal level. When the personal level is taken care of, then, the joint level will be glorious. 

That is why the Bible says: do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, for what has darkness got to do with light. 

When both are light, you will shine together in the midst of darkness and overcome challenges victoriously. 

The wedding day is one day, but the marriage is for a lifetime. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. 

That is why we shouldn't spend a fortune preparing for just a day ceremony while we have no glimpse of what lies ahead of us after the day. May God sanitize our heart and bring us in conformity to His will for marriage. 

The bible says one shall chase one thousand and two, ten thousand. This is deep! Go beyond the letter. The letter killeth, but the Spirit gives life. It is the HolySpirit that unravels the word of God and brings us into the spiritual dimension of it. 

If one shall chase one thousand, I believe two should chase two thousand, but the bible says two shall chase ten thousand. This dimension of increase is not by might, not by strength, but by the Spirit. 

God did not create the institution of marriage for idleness!

Entering into marriage is like entering into a dimension of increase that comes by taking responsibility. God wants kingdom minded marriages, purposeful marriages, burden bearer marriages, kingdom lifter marriages. 

If only the mind of God concerning two becoming one hits us, we will put an end to certain relationships that we have entangled ourselves in.

Also, beyond the veil are realities of both party's character, that is why relationship with God on a personal level is important. God is Love, love covereth multitude of sin. An encounter with the divine love of Jesus puts you on a leverage to love effortlessly.

That is why any veil covering one's mind must be torn before going into marriage. Don't go into marriage ignorantly. 

Love is not blind, God is love.


©️ Adedire T. Adegoke


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