"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mathew 19: 4-6.

It is of great importance to note that God is intentional about marriage, it isn't a wishy-washy idea that we can manipulate our way into. It is not what you rush into, just to check how it is and then rush out when you are not seeing what you expect. 

The two shall become one flesh. We need to understand deeply this statement. I believe taking in this will guide and prevent us from falling prey to the enemy's trap. 

Can two walk together except they agree? Sharing the same birthday date, Bearing the same first name, Both of you having dimples or gap in the front teeth does not necessarily mean agreement. 

It is the intent of God that the man and woman come together to become one. This will never be possible if we do not aknowledge our Creator, who is also the architect of marriage, in the choice of whom to marry. 

Okay! Fine! He is handsome, he speaks good English, he dresses well, has a nice job and attends a nice church, he may even tell you the day he went to the altar to surrender to Jesus, but as good as all these are, it's not a pointer that he is yours. 

He is a believer, but has he comitted himself to spiritual growth, who has he submitted to? What are the signs that reveals that he is growing progressively in the knowledge of Christ.

I tell you, marriage is for matured Christians. See, many brothers with big chest that you see around are babies with feeding bottles, they may not carry the bottles physically, but from their reactions to situations, in fact, if you listen to their thoughts on important issues of life, you will be interested in knowing the exact type of NAN that they feed on. 

Sisters, beware! OK, what is the way forward?

Let's, come back to you. If you don't make something out of life, life will make something out of you. You need to seriously work on yourself. Your walk with God is an aspect of your life that determines the acceleration of every other aspects, don't have a nonchalant attitude towards it. 

Your spiritual senses must be well sharpened. The word of God is instrumental to this. We should be women of faith, who walk not by sight but by faith in Jesus, the word. The word must become flesh in you. I am not talking about just memorizing one or two verses just to keep the devil away. I mean digging deep to access divine revelations. Anything below the standard of the word of God is below your class. 

See, ehn, things don't just happen, we make them happen. When we pray especially in other tongues, we make power available. Power to do life victoriously, not being a victim of circumstances, but taking control of every circumstances for your advancement, by the power of the Spirit.

It is also expedient you know that it is not just enough to be worded and scabach. You must invest in self development, you must be a woman of excellence, add value to yourself, read, widen your horizon, broaden your mind and perspective. Grow! 

You will struggle with all of the above, if what I am about to share with you is missing. The Holy Spirit is the utmost helper and the closest friend you have, acknowledge him. The Holy Spirit becomes resident in a believer at new birth. 

Jesus couldn't do life victoriously while He was on earth without the help of the Spirit. So, he knew quite well that life and our spiritual walk will be difficult without Him. If Jesus couldn't do without Him, how much more we. After His ascension, He sent Him to dwell in us. 

The Holy Spirit dwelling in you means all of the grandeur, all of the glory, all of the greatness of God resides in you as the person and the power of the Holy Spirit. How awesome! The HolySpirt is the comforter, the energizer, the propeller, the enhancer, the quickener, the enabler... 

When the Bible says we can do all things, we can scale any height, we can become all that God has destined for us, it simply means that, as we submit, as we yield to the Holy Spirit of God, He will lead us, guide us, empower us and enable us to do what we can never do in our human power.

A scholar puts it this way, the great sin of the Old Testament is that they didn't believe in God the Father, the great sin of the new testament is that they didn't believe in Jesus the son and the great sin of this dispensation is that we do not believe in the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, He is all we've got. 

I tell you, Holy Spirit is everything! The more we yield to Him, the more our true beauty is revealed.

You can't be strong in your faith and fervent in Spirit with sharpened spiritually senses and a brother that has no bearing to the cross will captivate your heart, never. You know why? Because your heart is sold out to Jesus and it can only move in the direction of God's desires for you. Then secondly 👇👇

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." John 3:8.


®️Adedire Tosin-Adegoke


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