By Joy Titobiloluwa Adekanbi

Guilt is the greatest tool the enemy of our souls uses to enslave we the children of God in our minds.
There is constantly a decision to make. We make thousands of decisions every day.
The choice of what, where, how and when to do what.
The devil, being a deceiver is constantly reminding us of why we do not deserve what. You say you want to live above sin, he says what about the one you did yesterday.
He comes with another reason why he thinks what you did yesterday cannot be erased. But we know better. Jesus died once and for all and He says we are the righteousness of God in Christ.
But here comes the devil who knows he has been condemned and wants companions on his journey. The devil says are you sure He died, were you there? Jesus gave the answer on our behalf before He left (ascended). He says cheer up, have faith, I have overcome the world.
So when the enemy advances, we take up our shield of faith. When it feels like there are evidence to the contrary, we say we Believe Jesus died. That He paid the price.
Faith is the only way to overcome guilt because the devil will always bring up 1001 reasons why he feels we are not saved. It is not really about what the devil thinks. What will stand is what we think.
We should be positive in our thinking. If Jesus says we are saved, believe so. Why? Because He said so. End of discussion. Unless we are willing to believe God like a child would, the devil will play us like a fool.
We have the victory - our faith. The moment we give in to pressures from the devil, we submit our victory to him only to be picked up when we come back to our senses.
Choose to stand no matter what.  Feed your faith with the word of God daily and watch your doubt give way. SHALLOM!



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