I was in Church on a Sunday morning and we went through a praise section that was sound enough to make you dance. The sound system was wao! You feel like dancing like its your last opportunity to do so. 

And then when you hear songs like ‘we go dey hail, hail your name, day by day, all the way', you want to throw your hands in the air and give God some praise, you know. Youths don’t hear songs like that and remain in the same position, you want to change your position as if you want God to really know that you are hailing Him.

But then, right in front of me was this old man, his face was aglow, enjoying the beat, and most assuredly was amazed at the vigor of the youth, the strength and enthusiasm. 

He was looking so handsome, as the smile brightened his face, his gray hair neatly combed. It looked like he felt like jumping up too and digging it like it was going on around him, but the strength wasn’t there.

As I looked at him, many deep thoughts ran through my mind, things like, what his youthful days looked like, what he gave his time to when he had the strength, what his regrets could be if he has any. 

Then it dawned on me how fast the clock is ticking, how fast the days are going by, how that at a time he was my age, at my stage now. But now, he is old! I mean old! The strength of those days is no longer available.

I remembered how that the FUTURE is NOW, because the future is the accumulation of what I do per day. How that worrying about the future is not the real deal but minding what I give my day to, making each day count. 

What am I living for? What are you living for? What am I known for? What are you known for? Do we want to live with regrets when the strength we have now is no longer available?

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them". Eccl 12:1

"Why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy?" Isaiah 55:2 

"The bread of God is the bread that came from heaven and giveth life to the world" John 6:33

Money fails, power fails, connection fails, friend fails, things fail, but Jesus never fails. Jesus is made unto us wisdom, receive this wisdom and live.

Lord teach us to apply our heart unto wisdom.



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