Being a faithful Christian is so challenging and demanding. Thank God we are not riding on our strength, but on the strength of Yahweh. Many would have turned back, perished at the battle front, wax cold, swept away by the affairs of this world.
Thank God for his Spirit that constraints us and cut down our excesses, making us usable by God.
Many are the perils, the oppositions, the temptations, the attacks and confrontations, but by the strength of the Spirit, our backs are not on the ground.
Many times you want to go see a friend, see a movie, you even want to sleep, or gist, you want to flex, and the Holy Spirit tells you, son/daughter sit and study the word or pray.
Obedience has brought great reward and growth. Also, the repercussions of some disobedience has also pruned us and help us appreciate the person of Holy Spirit.
Sometimes, God allows us to experience certain situations that are absolutely beyond our ability, simply because He wants us to rely on Him totally, so that we don’t boast, neither take the glory, but return all glory to Him.
God is our deliverer, in Him we put our trust, He is able to deliver us again, again and again. So, we rest in his arms.
“He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On Him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us” 2 Cor 1:10.
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