What if I lay my hands and miracle does not happen? What if people oppose me, when I stand up to give my opinion?

What if I don’t get another guy, after breaking this relationship? What if my write up is not acceptable?

What if the book did not sell? What if I pray and answer does not come? What if I forget my lines?

What if the business does not survive? What if people don’t accept me? What if I don’t get a new job? What if money does not surface? 

What if I don't live up to expectation? What if I miss the target? What if I get fired? What if I go out for evangelism and no convert? Ad infinitum.

Now, FEAR paralyzes your sense of moving forward, cripples your visions. It blindfolds you and prevents you from seeing ahead.

It hinders you from taking a BOLD step, it quenches every inner drive. It orchestrates low self esteem, kills potential. It makes you chicken out at the last minute, diminishes self worth.

It makes you see negativity even in the midst of ample opportunities. It makes you doubt your abilities to succeed.

FEAR is a strategy of the enemy wanting to hinder your manifestation. I know of 3 Hebrew brothers in the bible who were confronted with the fear of 'What If', Instead of giving in to fear, they turned it around and said EVEN IF God does not deliver us,we will not bow.

In place of fear, receive faith, strength, boldness, courage, power, sound mind, perseverance, tenacity and steadfastness. 

Take the bold step of faith backed up with the WORD. Start the business, compose the song, give the speech, collect the contract.

Pray the prayer of faith, write the script, write the book, start the degree, start the school, step out in faith! 

The bible says in Job 32:8 that there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. By the spirit of God we can do the seemingly impossible!

Don’t forget, when FEAR persists, breaking forth becomes a MIRAGE!



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