"The greatest tragedy in life is nothing but a life without purpose" – Myles Munroe.

Outside of Christ, the best you can ever become is lesser than the least of God's plan for you. 

A life lived for nothing is not worth it! I have seen rich people that lack peace, serenity, joy and fulfillment.

I have seen influential people who are bedridden and tied down with sicknesses, not knowing the way forward.

I know of people who run up and down to get the good things of life and realized too late that they were only running against the wind.

People living in confusion and lack of vision without any substantial clue to what the future holds for them. They simply have no clue, clueless men and women.

And what you can’t envision, you can never become. People who only strive to be like someone else, a fake duplicate of the great people who arrived at a wrong destination too soon and discovered the error late.

 At the height of their confusion still pretend to know what they are doing. Why will you labor only to reap depression and frustration and a life of full of dejection?

That is simply the definition of a life lived outside of Christ. See, when you surrender to Jesus and you are in fellowship with your maker, committed to his will, you will discover his purpose for your life.

One beautiful thing is that, you will live your life by divine direction and revelations, you will never miss the target because you have a back up.

The best defination of frustration is to live here without knowing why. Such a man is only permitted to accept whatever life brings and he is at the mercy the devil.

You may see a daughter/son of the kingdom in a particular position today, and laugh at him or her.

He is there building capacity receiving revelations and waiting for the next direction, before you know it, he will take a step forward that will outwit your human understanding. That is the blessedness of being in Christ.

Greatness is by discovery, discovery is by revelation, revelation is by the Word and the Word is Jesus. Until you are in Christ and rooted in Him, you can never discover the road that leads to a genuine greatness. 

Otherwise, you are only on a journey to a wrong destination and the end result is frustration. It is an error to think you can chart the course of your life without Jesus.

Life is too complicated to unravel without Him, Its never too late to join this chariot conveying men with clarity of vision and direction.

Never too late to give your life to Jesus. Your greatness is wrapped up in Jesus.



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