Discipline is a virtue that is fast disappearing in the life of Christians of today. Indiscipline has eaten so deep into us, making us weak Christians, not strong enough to command results as we ought to.

We know we are not ordinary, in fact, we have the understanding that we carry something substantial in us for our generation.

But this enemy of greatness has crippled our sense of direction and made ineffective our impacts and contributions to society at large. 

This ark enemy of greatness is perpetrating more evil than our imagination can fathom. It is a virus that has paralyzed the visions of many and has attracted so many opportunistic infections to feast upon them and eventually killed them.

One attribute you cannot but find in the life of Great people is DISCIPLINE! Discipline in little but germane things that we term does not matter is sapping us of greatness.

I will off my data in the next 10 mins cos I want to study the bible, but fast forward 4 hours later, you are still online, and this has become a habit.

You spend time seeing movies for hours but can’t pray for 30 minutes, not to talk of fasting and praying over important issues of your life.

You have been on a book since two month ago and you don’t even know when you will finish reading it, which is in contrast to your new year resolutions of two books per month.

For some, their case is different, they have more than 5 books that they have read half way, and they have concluded that they do not have grace to finish up.

Lateness has become your logo, you get late to work, church because you wake up late everyday.

The time you ought to spend doing something productive is spent discussing and talking with people void of nothing positive to add to your life, honoring men at the expense of destiny.

You spend 1 hour talking to someone on the phone, jumping from one irrelevant issue to another, just because you have airtime, and by the time you are through you feel so empty.

Dear friends, time is life and discipline is KEY to maximizing your life. Do you want to climb the ladder of greatness? Then you've got to be disciplined and set your priorities right.

Don't you think that if you continue this way, you will only end up in the company of the weak and beggarly with their backbones removed, overwhelmed by timidity and overthrown by lack of capacity to soar.

I have made my own decision to flush out this debilitating virus and break loose from it forever. What about you?
But you must first acknowledge it, without which you can’t break loose.



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