1. Discipline 

If one is not disciplined in all areas, one can never be consistent. Discipline with food, sleep, pleasure! What you give your time to will in turn give itself back to you. The love of sleep, food, frivolities has crippled so many people's vision and them weak and beggarly. If you are not ready to pay the sacrifices that will provoke your greatness, it will never be yours.

2. Ability to channel effort in the right direction

Many people are found everywhere, jack of all trades,  master of none. It will be difficult for a person who does not have a focus to be consistent. Inability to discover ones' part birth forth aimless wandering. So, they work like elephants and yield little result. We don't really know where they belong, all we know is that we see them around. Consistency on the right course will surely yield result, it may take time but surely as the Lord lives, His word will be fulfilled.

3. New revelations provokes consistency

When your alter of prayer, study and worship is burning, it produces an energy that makes you run at the speed of light. New words keeps us fresh and panting for more dew. If truly you are born again, you realize that when you are not spiritually balanced, you lack inner drive, you just don't have the urge to get some things done. 

4. Be sure of what you carry

Many doubt the ability of God at work in them, so, even though they have already started out on some things, they are not able to keep up with it. So, they look around and get intimidated by other people's manifestation while they leave what they have in their hands half done.

5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Many people never started because they can't bear making mistakes , many stopped half way because they don't want to take any risk. For some, the first mistake they made after starting out stopped them from taking further steps. But you don't have to be nervous, learn from your mistakes, be positive and dare to take that first baby step. And if its half done, go back to where you stopped, you are right on time. Am sure that is what we need at such a time as this.

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